7MS #468: Eating the Security Dog Food - Part 3
1 min read Podcast, dog food

7MS #468: Eating the Security Dog Food - Part 3

This podcast is sponsored by Arctic Wolf, whose Concierge Security teams Monitor, Detect and Respond to Cyber threats 24/7 for thousands of customers around the world. Arctic Wolf. Redefining cybersecurity. Visit Arcticwolf.com/7MS to learn more.

Today we continue the series on eating your own security dog food! Specifically, we talk about:

  • Keeping a log and procedure for sanitizing systems

  • Keeping a log and procedure for provisioning systems

  • A big "gotcha" to be aware of when using Windows system dropboxes - make sure your Windows user account doesn't expire, because Splashtop doesn't have any way to update it! To prevent this, set the account not to expire:

wmic useraccount where "Name='LocalAdminAccount'" set PasswordExpires=false
  • If you want more tips on building pentest dropboxes, check out this series

Oh, and today's song that I sang obnoxiously is If I Were a Dog.