7 Minute Security podcast - episode guide
Below is a blurb on each podcast episode, as well as a link to the corresponding show notes (if available).
7MS #570: How to Build a Vulnerable Pentest Lab - Part 4
In today's episode we staged an NTLM relay attack using a vulnerable SQL server.
First we used CrackMapExec (see our two part series on Cracking and Mapping and Execing with CrackMapExec - part 1 / part 2) to find hosts with SMB signing disabled:
cme smb x.x.
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7MS #569: Interview with Jim Simpson of Blumira
Today we're excited to share a featured interview with our new friend Jim Simpson, CEO of Blumira. Jim was in security before it was hip/cool/lucrative, working with a number of startups as well as some big names like Duo.
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7MS #568: Lets Play With the 2023 Local Administrator Password Solution!
Hey friends, today we're playing with the new (April 2023) version of Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS). Now it's baked right into PowerShell and the AD Users and Tools console.
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7MS #567: How to Build an Intentionally Vulnerable SQL Server
Hey friends, today we're talking about building an intentionally vulnerable SQL server, and here are the key URLs/commands talked about in the episode:
Download SQL Server here
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7MS #566: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 47
Ok, I know we say this every time, but it is true this time yet again: this is our favorite tale of pentest pwnage.
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7MS #565: How to Simulate Ransomware with a Monkey
Hey friends, today we talk through how to simulate ransomware (in a test environment!) using Infection Monkey. It's a cool way to show your team and execs just how quick and deadly an infection can be to your business.
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7MS #564: First Impressions of OVHcloud Hosted vCenter
Today we offer you some first impressions of OVHcloud and how we're seriously considering moving our Light Pentest LITE training class to it!
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7MS #563: Cracking and Mapping and Execing with CrackMapExec - Part 2
Hey friends, today we're covering part 2 of our series all about cracking and mapping and execing with CrackMapExec.
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7MS #562: Cracking and Mapping and Execing with CrackMapExec
Hey friends, today we covered many things cracking and mapping and execing with CrackMapExec.
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7MS #561: Interview with Chris Furner of Blumira
Today I sat down with Chris Furner of Blumira to talk about all things cyber insurance. Many of 7MinSec's clients are renewing their policies this time of year, and many are looking into policies for the first time. Naturally, there are a ton of questions to ask and things to think about to make good coverage decisions for your business:
How do I get started in looking for a cyber policy - with my general liability insurer?
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7MS #560: 7MOOCH - Dolphin Rides Are Done Dude
Hey friends, I took a mental health break this week and pre-podcasted this episode of a new series called 7MOOCH: 7 Minutes of Only Chuckles.
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7MS: #559: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 46
Ooooo giggidy! Today's episode is about a pentest pwnage path that is super fun and interesting, and I've now seen 3-4 times in the wild. Here are some notes from the audio/video that will help bring this to life for you (oh and read this article for a great tech explanation of what's happening under the hood):
Change the Responder.conf file like so:
; Custom challenge.
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7MS #558: How to Build a Vulnerable Pentest Lab - Part 2
Today we continue part 2 of a series we started a few weeks ago all about building a vulnerable pentesting lab.
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7MS #557: Better Passive Network Visibility Using Teleseer
Today we're talking about Teleseer, which is an awesome service to give you better network visibility - whether you're on the blue, red or purple team!
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7MS #556: How to Build a Vulnerable Pentest Lab
Today's episode is brought to us by our friends at Blumira!
Today we kick off a series all about building your own vulnerable pentest lab from scratch, specifically:
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7MS #555: Light Pentest eBook 1.1 Release
Today we're releasing version 1.1 of our Light Pentest eBook.
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7MS #554: Simple Ways to Test Your SIEM
Today we talk about Simple Ways to Test Your SIEM.
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7MS #553: The Artificial Intelligence Throat Burn Episode
Hey friends, today's episode is hosted by an AI from Murf.ai because I suffered a throat injury over the holidays and spent Christmas morning in the emergency room! TLDL: I'm fine, but if you want the (sort of) gory details and an update on my condition after my ENT appointment, check out today's episode.
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7MS #552: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 45
Today's tale of pentest pwnage covers some of the following attacks/tools:
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7MS #551: Interview with Matt Warner of Blumira
Today we welcome our pal Matthew Warner (CTO and co-founder of Blumira) back to the show for a third time (his first appearance was #507 and second was #529).
I complained to Matt about how so many SIEM/SOC solutions don't catch early warning signs of evil things lurking in customer networks.
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7MS #550: Tales of Pentest Fail - Part 5
Hey friends, today's episode is extra special because it's our first episode we've ever done live and with video(!). Will we do it again? Who knows.
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7MS #549: Interview with Christopher Fielder and Daniel Thanos of Arctic Wolf
Today my friends Christopher Fielder and Daniel Thanos from Arctic Wolf chat with me about what kinds of icky things bad guys/gals are doing to our networks, and how we can arm ourselves with actionable threat intelligence and do something about it!
If you enjoy this conversation, be sure to check out Arctic Wolf's site focused on the business of cybercrime.
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7MS #548: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 44
Happy belated Thanksgiving!
This is not a brag or a flex, but this episode covers a coveted achievement I haven't achieved in my whole life...until now: TDAD: Triple Domain Admin Dance!!!!1111!!!1!1!!!!
We talk about the fun attack path that led to the TDAD (hint: always check Active Directory user description fields!), as well as a couple quick, non-spoilery reviews of a few movies: V for Vendetta and [The Black Phone](https://www.imdb.com/t
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7MS #547: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 43
Today we're talking about tales of pentest pwnage - specifically how much fun printers can be to get Active Directory creds.
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7MS #546: Securing Your Mental Health - Part 3
Today we're talking about securing your mental health!
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7MS #544: Interview with Nato Riley of Blumira
Today we have a really fun interview with Nato Riley of Blumira. He cut his IT/security teeth working for a cell phone company, exorcising malware demons out of workstations, and even building an email-based SIEM. He has a very cool career path that involves embracing newbness, pushing aside imposter syndrome, and even begging for jobs! I think this interview can best be summed up by a direct quote from Nato:
"Things absolutely go wrong, and I think that's what deters people from trying.
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7MS #545: First Impressions of Snipe-IT
Hey friends, today we're giving you a first impressions look at a free easy asset management tool called Snipe-IT you can use to build your inventory with! Why is this important? Because it's the first critical security control!
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7MS #543: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying - Part 12
Hey friends!
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7MS #542: Eating the Security Dog Food - Part 5
In today's episode we talk more about eating the security dog food (following the best practices we preach!). Specifically, we focus on keeping that bloated email inbox a little more lean and mean.
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7MS #541: Tales of Blue Team Bliss - Part 2
Today we talk about configuring your Active Directory with MFA protection thanks to AuthLite.
In the tangent department, we give you a short, non-spoilery review of the film Smile.
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7MS #540: Tales of Blue Team Bliss
Today we're excited to kick off a new series all about blue team bliss - in other words, we're talking about pentest stories where the blue team controls kicked our butt a little bit! Topics include:
The ms-ds-machineaccount-quota value is not an "all or nothing" option!
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7MS #539: Eating the Security Dog Food - Part 4
Today we revisit a series we havent touched in a long time all about eating the security dog food. TLDL about this series is I often find myself preaching security best practices, but dont always follow them as a consultancy.
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7MS #538: First Impressions of Airlock Digital
Hey friends! Today we're giving you a first impressions episode all about Airlock Digital, an application allowlisting solution. They were kind enough to let us play with it in our lab with the intention of exploring its bells and whistles, so we're excited to report back our findings in podcast form.
TLDL: we really like this solution! It is easy to deploy (see this YouTube video for a quick walkthrough).
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7MS #537: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 42
In today's episode we share some tips we've picked up in the last few weeks of pentesting, with hopes it will save you from at least a few rounds of smashing your face into the keyboard.
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7MS #536: Interview with Amanda Berlin of Blumira
Today we're so excited to welcome Amanda Berlin, Lead Incident Detection Engineer at Blumira, back to the show (did you miss Amanda's first appearance on the show? Check it out here)!
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7MS #535: Rage Against the Remediation
Today's episode covers three remediation-focused topics that kind of grind my gears and/or get me frustrated with myself.
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7MS #534: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 41
Hey friends, today we share the (hopefully) thrilling conclusion of last week's pentest.
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7MS #533: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 40
Ok, ok, I know. I almost always say something like "Today is my favorite tale of pentest pwnage." And guess what? Today is my favorite tale of pentest pwnage, and I don't even know how it's going to end yet, so stay tuned to next week's (hopefully) exciting conclusion.
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7MS #532: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 39
Hey friends, wow...we're up to thirty-nine episodes of pwnage? Should we make a cake when we hit the big 4-0?! Anyway, today's TLDL is this:
If you get a nagging suspicion about something you find during enumeration, make sure to either come back to it later, or exhaust the path right away so you don't miss something!
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7MS #531: Interview with Christopher Fielder and Eugene Grant of Arctic Wolf
Today we're joined by some of our friends at Arctic Wolf - Eugene Grant and Christopher Fielder - to talk about compliance. Now hold on - don't leave yet! I know for many folks, compliance makes them want to bleach their eyeballs. But compliance is super important - especially because it is not the same as being secure.
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7MS #530: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 38
Hey friends, we have another fun tale of pwnage for you today.
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7MS #529: Interview with Matthew Warner of Blumira
Today we're featuring a great interview with Matthew Warner, CTO and co-founder of Blumira.
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7MS #528: Securing Your Family During and After a Disaster - Part 6
In today's episode, I try to get us thinking about our extended family's emergency/DR plan. Why?
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7MS #527: First Impressions of Purple Knight
In today's episode we talk about Purple Knight, a free tool to help assess your organization's Active Directory security. I stuck Purple Knight in our Light Pentest LITE pentest training lab and did an informal compare-and-contrast of its detection capabilities versus PingCastle, which we talked about in depth in episode #489.
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7MS #526: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 37
Today's another fun tale of pentest pwnage - specifically focused on cracking a hash type I'd never paid much attention to before: cached domain credentials.
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7MS #525: First Impressions of InsightIDR - Part 2
Today we're sharing an updates to episode #512 where we ran Rapid7's InsightIDR through a bunch of attacks:
Active Directory enumeration via SharpHound
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7MS #524: How to Update VMWare ESXi From the Command Line
I'm extra psyched today, because today's episode (which is all about updating your VMWare ESXi version via command line) is complemented by video:
Shortly after recording this video, I found this awesome article which walks you through a different way to tackle these updates:
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7MS #523: Local Administrator Password Solution - RELOADED!
Well friends, it has been a while since we talked about Microsoft's awesome Local Administrator Password Solution - specifically, the last time was way back in 2017!
Lately I've been training some companies on how to install it by giving them a live walkthrough in our Light Pentest LITE lab, so I thought it would be a good time to
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7MS #522: Pwning Wifi PSKs and PMKIDs with Bettercap - Part 2
Hey friends, a while back in episode #505 we talked about pwning wifi PSKs and PMKIDs with Bettercap.
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7MS #521: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 36
Hey friends! Today's another swell tale of pentest pwnage, and it's probably my favorite one yet (again)! This tale involves resource based constrained delegation, which is just jolly good evil fun!
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7MS #520: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying - Part 11
Hey friends, today we're giving another peek behind the curtain of what it's like to run a cybersecurity consultancy.
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7MS #519: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 35
Hey friends, it's another fun tale of pentest pwnage today! This one talks about cool things you can do when you have full rights over an OU in Active Directory.
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7MS #518: Interview with Amanda Berlin of Blumira
Today we're pumped to share a featured interview with Amanda Berlin, Lead Incident Detection Engineer at Blumira.
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7MS #517: DIY Pentest Dropbox Tips - Part 6
Today we're continuing a series we haven't done in a while (click here to see the whole series) all about building and deploying pentest dropboxes for customers.
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7MS #516: Tips to Travel More Securely
In today's episode I talk about a cool self-defense class I took a while ago which was all about less lethal methods of protecting/defending yourself.
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7MS #515: Securing Your Family During and After a Disaster - Part 5
Today we continue the series we started a few years ago called Security Your Family During and After a Disaster (the last part in this series was from a few years ago.
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7MS #514: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 34
Welcome to another fun tale of pentest pwnage! This one isn't a telling of one single pentest, but a collection of helpful tips and tricks I've been using on a bunch of different tests lately. These tips include:
I'm seeing nmap scans get flagged a bit more from managed SOC services. Maybe a "quieter" nmap scan will help get enough ports to do a WitnessMe run, but still fly under the logging/alerting radar?
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7MS #513: Interview with Christopher Fielder and Jon Crotty of Arctic Wolf
Today we're joined by our friends Christopher Fielder and Jon Crotty from Arctic Wolf to talk about their interesting report on The State of Cybersecurity: 2022 Trends (note: you can get some of the report's key points here without needing to provide an email address).
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7MS #512: First Impressions of InsightIDR
Today I'm sharing some first impressions of the Rapid 7 InsightIDR as kind of a teaser for an eventual new chapter in our Desperately Seeking a Super SIEM for SMBs series. Disclaimer: remember these are first impressions. There may be some missed detections I talk about today that are a me problem and not the technology.
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7MS #511: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying - Part 10
Today we're continuing our series focused on [owning a security consultancy], talking specifically about:
How not to give up on warm sales leads, even if they haven't panned out for 5+ years!
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7MS #510: First Impressions of Tailscale
Today we share some first impressions of Tailscale, a service that advertises itself as "Zero config VPN. Installs on any device in minutes, manages firewall rules for you, and works from anywhere." Is it really that cool and easy?
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7MS #509: Creating Kick-Butt Credential-Capturing Phishing Campaigns - Part 4
Today we revisit our phishing series with a few important updates that help us run our campaigns more smoothly, such as creating a simple but effective fake O365 portal, and being aware that some email systems may "pre-click" malicious links before users ever actually do.
This phishing page has served us well:
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7MS #508: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 33
Hey friends! We have another fun test of pentest pwnage to share with you today, which is kind of tossed in a blender with some first impressions of ShellcodePack.
We were on a bunch of pentests recently where we needed to dump credentials out of memory. We usually skim this article and other dumping techniques, but this time nothing seemed to work.
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7MS #506: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 32
Today's my favorite tale of pentest pwnage (again)! This time we're talking about sAMAccountName spoofing specifically.
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7MS #507: Interview with Matthew Warner of Blumira
Today's featured interview is with Matthew Warner, CTO and co-founder of Blumira.
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7MS #505: Pwning Wifi PSKs and PMKIDs with Bettercap
Hey friends, today I talk about the old school way I used to pwn wifi networks, then a more modern way, and then my new favorite way (spoiler alert: I use Bettercap).
For some background, I found that the Alfa Long-Range Dual-Band AC1200 Wireless USB 3.0 Wi-Fi Adapter w/2x 5dBi External Antennas 2.4GHz 300Mbps/5GHz 867Mbps 802.11ac & A, B, G, N works really
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7MS #504: Monitoring All Your Cloud Thingies with UptimeRobot
Hey friends, today we're talking about how to monitor all your cloud thingies (Web servers, mail servers, etc.) with UptimeRobot.
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7MS #503: First Impressions of Brute Ratel
Today's episode is all about Brute Ratel, a command and control center that is super cool, quick to setup, and much easier to use (IMHO) than Cobalt Strike. I also talk specifically about some of my favorite command line features, how slick and simple lateral movement is, and the "killer feature" that makes me giggle like the bad guy from Sonic the Hedgehog.
In the tangent department, Mrs.
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7MS #502: Building a Pentest Lab in Azure
Happy new year friends! Today I share the good, bad, ugly, and BROKEN things I've come across while migrating our Light Pentest LITE training lab from on-prem VMware ESXi to Azure.
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7MS #501: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 31
Today we're closing down 2021 with a tale of pentest pwnage - this time with a path to DA I had never had a chance to abuse before: Active Directory Certificate Services! For the full gory details on this attack path, see the Certified Pre-Owned paper from the SpecterOps crew.
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7MS #500: Interview with John Strand
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7MS #499: Desperately Seeking a Super SIEM for SMBs - Part 6
Today we have some cool updates on this SIEM-focused series we've been doing for a while.
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7MS #498: Securing Your Mental Health - Part 2
Hi everybody, today we're continuing a series we started way back in June called Securing Your Mental Health.
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7MS #497: The Stress and Satisfaction of Offering Live Security Training
Hey friends, today I'm giving you a peek behind the curtain of our Light Pentest LITE training to talk about the software/hardware we use to make it sing, the growing pains - and OMG(!) moments - that forced us to build in more infrastructure redundancy, and the cool (and expensive!) cloud options we're considering to offer a self-paced version of the course.
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7MS #495: Desperately Seeking a Super SIEM for SMBs - Part 5
Today we continue our SIEM/SOC evaluation series with a closer look at one particular managed solution and how it fared (very well) against a very hostile environment: the Light Pentest LITE pentesting course!
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7MS #496: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 30
Today's tale of pentesting has a bunch of tips to help you maximize your pwnage, including:
The new Responder DHCP poisoning module
All the cool bells and whistles from CrackMapExec which now include new lsass-dumping modules!
Speaking of lsass dumping, here's a [new trick](https://twitter.com/mrd0x/status/146059783
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7MS #494: Interview with Josh Burnham of Liquid Web
Today we chat with Josh Burnham, Security Operations Manager at Liquid Web. As someone who helps support and secure a hosted environment, Josh sleeps with one eye open :-).
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7MS #493: 7MOIST - Part 2
Hey, remember back in episode #357 where we introduced 7MOIST (7 Minutes of IT and Security Tips)? Yeah, me neither :-). Anyway, we're back with the second edition of 7MOIST and have some cool pentesting and general IT tips that will hopefully make your life a little awesome-r:
Stuck on a pentest because EDR keeps gobbling your payloads?
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7MS #492: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 29
Hello friends! We're long overdue for a tale of pentest pwnage, and this one is a humdinger!
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7MS #491: Interview with Louis Evans of Arctic Wolf
Today we're joined by Louis Evans of Arctic Wolf to talk about all things cyber insurance, including:
History on cyber insurance - who's buying it, what it does and doesn't cover, and when it started to be something you didn't want to leave home without
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7MS #490: Desperately Seeking a Super SIEM for SMBs - Part 4
Hey friends!
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7MS #489: Ping Castle
Today we're talking about Ping Castle (not a sponsor), an awesome tool for enumerating tons of info out of your Active Directory environment and identifying weaknesses, misconfigurations and paths to escalation!
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7MS #488: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying - Part 10
Today we continue our series focused on building a security consultancy and talk about:
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7MS #487: Light Pentest eBook Announcement!
Hey friends!
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7MS #486: Interview with Matt Quammen of Blue Team Alpha
Today our good buddy Joe Skeen and I virtually sit down with Matt Quammen of Blue Team Alpha to talk about all things incident response!
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7MS #485: Interview with Christopher Fielder
Today our friend Christopher Fielder from Arctic Wolf is back for an interview four-peat!
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7MS #484: Desperately Seeking a Super SIEM for SMBs - Part 3
Today we're continuing our series called Desperately Seeking a Super SIEM for SMBs - this time with a focus on a new contender in our bake-off: Perch Security!
It might help you to go back and take in part 1 and part 2, but today we're focusing on the first experience I had chatting with the sales/technical folks at Perch.
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7MS #483: Desperately Seeking a Super SIEM for SMBs - Part 2
Today we continue our series we started recently (part 1 is here about finding a super SIEM for SMBs. Specifically I have some updates on (and frustrations with) Arctic Wolf, Elastic, Milton Security and Perch Security.
Here's the TLDL version:
Arctic Wolf
They remain a strong contender in my bake-offs.
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7MS #482: Creating Kick-Butt Credential-Capturing Phishing Campaigns - Part 3
Today we're continuing our discussion on phishing campaigns - including a technical "gotcha" that might redirect your phishing emails into a digital black hole if you're not careful!
As I mentioned last week, I've been heavy into spinning up and tearing down phishing campaigns, so I finally got around to documenting everything in episode 481.
This week I ran into a bizarre issue where test phishes to myse
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7MS #481: Creating Kick-Butt Credential-Capturing Phishing Campaigns - Part 2
Today we're revisiting how to make a kick-butt cred-capturing phishing campaign with Gophish, Amazon Lightsail, LetsEncrypt, ExpiredDomains.net and a special little extra something that makes creating phishing landing pages waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy easier!
For some quicker review, you can check out [part 1](https://7ms.us/7ms-384-creating-kick-butt-credential-capturing-phishing
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7MS #480: Desperately Seeking a Super SIEM for SMBs
Today we're talking about the SIEM bake-off for SMBs that we've recently embarked on.
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7MS #479: A Prelude to PwnTown
Hey friends, today we're talking about a new security training offering 7MinSec has created called Light Pentest LITE - Live Interactive Training Experience.
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7MS #478: Password Cracking in the Cloud - Part 4
Hey friends, today we're continuing our discussion of password cracking by sharing some methodology that has helped us get a high cred yield, and some tips on taking cracked passwords from multiple sources and Frankensteining them into a beautiful report for your customer.
For some background, when 7MS started as a biz, we used to crack passwords in Paperspace but invested in an [on-prem cracking rig](https://7ms.us/7ms-399-babys-first-pas
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7MS #477: Cobalt Strike for Newbs
Today we're talking about Cobalt Strike for newbs - including how to get it up and running, as well as some tools that will help you generate beacons while evading EDR at the same time!
Some helpful things mentioned in today's episode:
Wherever you spin up your CS instance, it's probably a good idea to lock down the firewall to only specific IPs.
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7MS #476: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 28
STOP! If you didn't listen to last week's episode you might want to, since this was a two-part tale of pwnage.
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7MS #475: Tales of Internal Network Pentest Pwnage - Part 27
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7MS #474: Password Cracking in the Cloud - Part 3
Hey friends!
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7MS #473: Interview with Nikhil Mittal
Hey everybody!
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7MS #472: Interview with Christopher Fielder
Today our good pal Christopher Fielder from Arctic Wolf is back for an interview three-peat! He joins Joe "The Machine" Skeen (a.k.a. Gh0sthax) and I to talk about all things ransomware, including:
How the Colonial Pipeline incident may have started from a weak VPN cred with no MFA.
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7MS #471: Cyber News - Ransomware Should Run Somewhere Edition
Hey everybody, happy June!
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7MS #470: First Impressions of Meraki Networking Gear
Today we're doing something new - a first impressions episode of Meraki networking gear. Note: this is not a sponsored episode, but rather a follow up to episode #460 where I talked about throwing all my UniFi gear into the ocean and replacing it with Meraki gear.
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7MS #469: Interview with Philippe Humeau of CrowdSec
Hey friends! Today we're talking with Philippe Humeau, CEO of CrowdSec, which is "an open-source massively multiplayer firewall able to analyze visitor behavior & provide an adapted response to all kinds of attacks.
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7MS #468: Eating the Security Dog Food - Part 3
Today we continue the series on eating your own security dog food!
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7MS #467: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying - Part 9
Hey everybody! I stayed in a hotel for the first time in over a year and boy oh boy...I hope I didn't get COVID from the bedsheets!
Anyhow, on that journey I thought of some things that I think will help your business on the marketing/project management/sales side to be more successful and less annoying.
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7MS #466: Attacking and Defending Azure AD Cloud (CARTP)
Welp, I need another security certification like I needed a punch to the retinas, but even after all the fun (and pain) of CRTP I couldn't help but sign up for the maiden voyage of Attacking and Defending Azure AD Cloud - a.k.a. CARTP.
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7MS #465: Cyber News - The FBI Might Be Getting Into the IR Biz Edition
Hey friends! Today Joe "The Machine" Skeen (a.k.a.
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7MS #464: Interview with Christopher Fielder of Arctic Wolf
Today our friend Christopher Fielder of Arctic Wolf joins us on the show again (check out his first appearance in episode #444 - this time to talk about the security journey, and how to start out in your "security diapers" and mature towards a stronger infosec program.
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7MS #463: DIY Pentest Dropbox Tips - Part 5
In the last two episodes of this series (#449 and #450) we've been diving into how to not only speed up the process of spinning up a DIY pentest dropbox, but how to automate nearly the entire build process!
In today's episode we talk specifically about how to streamline the Windows 10 build process.
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7MS #462: Pentesting with the Hak5 Key Croc
Today we talk through our first engagement using Hak5 Key Croc to steal and exfil data. In the past, my internal monologue when a new Hak5 toy is released sounds like this:
"I certainly don't need another Hak5 doo-dad!
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7MS #461: Tales of Internal Network Pentest Pwnage - Part 26
OK I probably say this every time, but I'm gonna say it again: this tale of pwnage is my one of my favs - and not because of the tools/tradecraft, but because of why the company needed our help in the first place.
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7MS #460: Why I'm Throwing My UniFi Gear Into the Ocean
Hey friends!
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7MS #459: Cyber News - Microsoft Exchange Makes the World Cry Edition
Happy mid-March! Our good pal Gh0sthax joins us today for another hot dish of cyber news!
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7MS #458: Interview with Tanya Janca
Today we're super excited to share a featured interview with Tanya Janca of WeHackPurple!Tanya has been in software development from the moment she was of legal age to work in Canada - beginning by working with some huge companies (Nokia/Adobe) before falling in love with application security and eventually starting a company of her own.
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7MS #457: Tales of Internal Network Pentest Pwnage - Part 25
Hi! This episode of pentest pwnage is a fun one because it was built for speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.
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7MS #456: Certified Red Team Professional - Part 4
This episode of 7 Minute Security is sponsored by Datadog. Accelerate security investigations and break down silos between developers, security, and operations teams by correlating your threats, metrics, traces, and logs all in one place. Try it for yourself and get a free t-shirt at http://datadog.com/7msHello friends!
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7MS #455: Tales of Internal Network Pentest Pwnage - Part 24
Hey everybody! Sorry that we're late again with today's episode, but I got COVID shot #2 and it kicked my behind BIG TIME today. But I'm vertical today and back amongst the living and thrilled to be sharing with you another tale of pentest pwnage! Yeah!
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7MS #454: Cyber News - Lets Switch to Typewriters Edition
Happy almost-mid-February!
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7MS #453: Interview with Marcello Salvati
Today's featured interview is with Marcello Salvati of Black Hills Information Security. Marcello is a.k.a. byt3bl33d3r, and known for his many contributions to the security community.
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7MS #452: Enterprise Attacker Emulation and C2 Implant Development
Hey everyone! Hope you're having a great week. Today Gh0sthax and I do a brain dump and recap of a cool (and mind-exploding) course we took last week called Enterprise Attacker Emulation and C2 Implant Development.
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7MS #451: Deep Freeze
Today we talk about a cool product called Deep Freeze, which, as its name implies, can "freeze" your computer in a known/good/frozen state.
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7MS #450: DIY Pentest Dropbox Tips - Part 4
Hey friends! We're continuing our series on pentest dropbox building - specifically playing off last week's episode where we started talking about automating the OS builds that go on our dropboxes.
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7MS #449: DIY Pentest Dropbox Tips - Part 3
Happy new year! This episode continues our series on DIY pentest dropboxes with a focus on automation - specifically as it relates to automating the build of Windows 10, Windows Server 2019, Kali and Ubuntu VMs.
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7MS #448: Certified Red Team Professional - Part 3
Today, Gh0sthax and I talk about week 3/4 of the CRTP - Certified Red Team Professional training, and how it's kicking our butts a bit.
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7MS #447: Cyber News - The End of 2020 as We Know It Edition
Merry Christmas! Happy holidays! Please enjoy the last cyber news edition of 2020, brought to us by our good pal Gh0stHax. Stories covered include:
You've probably heard this by now, but FireEye had a breach that was truly sophisticated.
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7MS #446: Certified Red Team Professional - Part 2
Today's episode continues part 1 of our series on the Certified Red Team Professional certification.
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7MS #445: Certified Red Team Professional
Welp, I need another certification like I need a hole in the head, but that didn't stop me from signing up for the Certified Red Team Professional. So I've started a series on sharing what I'm learning as I proceed through the certification path.
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7MS #444: Interview with Christopher Fielder of Arctic Wolf
Happy December! Today I virtually sat down with Christopher Fielder of Arctic Wolf, who started his career in security at 18 (I was just playing a lot of video games when I was that old)!
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7MS #443: Cyber News - Thankful for Patches Edition
Happy Thanksgiving!
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7MS #442: Tales of Internal Network Pentest Pwnage - Part 23
Hey friends, I dare declare this to be my favorite tale of internal pentest pwnage so far. Why?
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7MS #441: SharpGPOAbuse
Hello friends! Sorry to be late with this episode (again) but we've been heads-down in a lot of cool security work, coming up for air when we can!
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7MS #440: Tales of Internal Network Pentest Pwnage - Part 22
Hi! Sorry to be so late with this episode, but I'm excited to share with you another fun tale of pentest pwnage! Key points from today's episode include:
We do not do these episodes to brag or put down any company about their security posture.
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7MS #439: Cyber News - Ransomware is Definitely Still a Thing Edition
Happy October and merry Halloween everybody! We're back with our buddy Joe "the machine" Skeen who is also now a Principal Security Engineer for 7MS!
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7MS #438: PCI Professional Certification (PCIP) - Part 4
Yay - I'm a PCIP now! I welcome you to check out our past episodes on PCIP, but in some ways this will be the be all, end all episode on the topic.
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7MS #437: Homecoming and Home ioT Security - Part 3
Hello! This episode is a true homecoming in that I actually recorded it from home. Yay!
WARNING!!! WARNING!!! This episode contains a ton of singing.
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7MS #436: Cleaning Up Your Cloud Clutter
Hey, hope you're having a great week! The last few weeks have had somewhat of a homecoming and home cleaning theme. To continue that train of thought, over the last few days I've gotten heavy into cleaning up my cloud clutter - cloud services, email, file sharing, etc. - in an effort to be more secure and have a reduced digital footprint.
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7MS #435: Homecoming and Home ioT Security - Part 2
Hi again! It's sort of fun to release two episodes in one week for a change. If you missed part 1 on our ioT security series, check it out here. Today we dive into some free/cheap monitoring solutions you can use to keep tabs on your ioT network (or any network, really):
Nagios - it's old school but gets the job done.
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7MS #434: Homecoming and Home ioT Security
WE'RE HOME! After almost a year after our fire, we're back, baby!
This episode is somewhat of a homecoming that dovetails into an episode about ioT security. I've basically done a 180 degree spin on ioT stuff. I now love the coolness and convenience of these things while simultaneously being terrified of the security risks. Is there a happy balance somewhere between the two? Maybe.
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7MS #433: Cyber News - Security Skills Gap Edition
Hi! Today our pal Joe "The Machine" Skeen (a.k.a. Gh0sthax has prepared some cyber-licious actionable news stories for us to chew on.
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7MS #432: Tales of Internal Network Pentest Pwnage - Part 21
Yay! It's time for another tale of pentest pwnage!
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7MS #431: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying - Part 8
Today we're talking business!
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7MS #430: Interview with Dan DeCloss
Today we're thrilled to have our friend and PlexTrac CEO Dan DeCloss back to the program! (P.S. PlexTrac is launching runbooks as a feature - and you should definitely check out PlexTrac's upcoming Webinar about runbooks on September 9!).
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7MS #429: Cyber News - Free Bitcoin for Everybody Edition
Hola! We're back again with our amigo Joe "The Machine" Skeen (a.k.a. Gh0sthax) who has prepared some awesome and actionable news stories for us to digest.
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7MS #428: Tales of Internal Network Pentest Pwnage - Part 20
Welcome to another fun tale of internal pentest pwnage! Today's tale includes these helpful informational tidbits:
My understanding is that in order for mitm6 relay attacks to work against DCs, those DCs have to have LDAPS config'd properly.
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7MS #427: Interview with Ameesh Divatia from Baffle
Today we're thrilled to welcome Ameesh Divatia from Baffle back to the program. We first met Ameesh back in episode 349 and today he's back to discuss a slew of additional hot security topics, including:
Misconfigured cloud databases
Why is this such a common issue, and how can we address it?
Wait wait wait...I just spun up a machine in Azure, AWS, Digital Ocean, etc.
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7MS #426: Tales of Internal Pentest Pwnage - Part 19
First and foremost, I have to say that 7 Minute Security's official stance on toads is that nobody should be licking them at any time, for any reason. Also, I can neither confirm nor deny that toads can catch coronavirus. Listen to today's episode...it'll make more sense.
We've got another swell tale of internal pentest pwnage for you today!
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7MS #425: DIY Pentest Dropbox Tips - Part 2
Today's episode is all about creating and deploying your own pentest dropbox! In part 1 I talked about some "gotchas" but this time around I'm ready to dump a whole slug of specific and updated tips on ya!
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7MS #424: Cyber News - Everything is Pwned Edition
Hello! We're back with our pal Joe "The Machine" Skeen (a.k.a. Gh0sthax) who has prepared some awesome and actionable news stories for us to digest.
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7MS #423: Tales of Internal Pentest Pwnage - Part 18
This is an especially fun tale of pentest pwnage because it involves D.D.A.D. (Double Domain Admin Dance) and varying T.T.D.A. (Time to Domain Admin). The key takeaways I want to share from these tests are as follows:
Responder.py -i eth0 -rPv is AWESOME. It can make the network rain hashes like manna from heaven!
Testing the egress firewall is easy with this script.
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7MS #422: Eating the Security Dog Food - Part 2
Today's episode continues the work we started in episode #419.
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7MS #421: Cyber News - Verizon DBIR Edition
Today my pal Gh0sthax and I pick apart the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report and help you turn it into actionable items so you can better defend your network!
I'm especially excited because today's episode marks two important 7MS firsts:
The episode has been crafted by a professional podcast producer
The episode has been transcribed by a [professional transcription service](ht
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7MS #420: Tales of Internal Pentest Pwnage - Part 17
Today's episode is a fun tale of pentest pwnage! Interestingly, to me this pentest had a ton of time-sponging issues on the front end, but the TTDA (Time to Domain Admin) was maybe my fastest ever.
I had to actually roll a fresh Kali VM to upload to the customer site, and I learned (the hard way) to make that VM disk as lean as possible.
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7MS #419: Eating the Security Dog Food
Today we're talking about eating the security dog food! What do I mean by that? Well, a lot of security companies I worked for in the past preached to clients about the importance of having a good security program, but didn't have one of their own! I'm trying to break that pattern now that I'm in a position to lead an information security program for 7MS.
In today's episode we talk about getting your company started with a good set of infosec policies/procedures.
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7MS #418: Securing Your Mental Health
Today's episode is all about mental health! I talk about some of my challenges with stress/anxiety and how I put on my big boy pants, dropped some misconceptions and finally decided to do something about it.
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7MS #417: Vulnerability Scanning Tips and Tricks
Today's episode is all about getting the most value out of your vulnerability scans, including:
Why, IMHO you should only do credentialed scans
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7MS #416: Pi-hole 5.0
Today we're talking about some of my favorite features of Pi-hole 5.0. Including:
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7MS #415: Cyber News
Today's episode kicks off a fun little experiment where my pal Joe Skeen and I cover some of the week's interesting security news stories, how they might affect you, and what you can do to make you and your company more secure.
This week's stories:
Salt stack RCE (Daily Swig / Cyber Scoop)
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7MS #414: Tales of Pentest Fail #4
Today I'm excited to share more tales of pentest FAIL with you.
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7MS #413: PCI Professional Certification (PCIP) - Part 3
Hey everybody! I hope you're hanging in there during quarantine and staying healthy. Today is part 3 of our ongoing series all about becoming a PCIP. The good news is I'm finally, actually registered for the cert and have started diving into the training!
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7MS #412: Tips for Working Safely and Securely From Home
In today's episode we share some tips for working more safely and securely from home, which for many of us is our new office for the foreseeable future!
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7MS #411: More Fun Stay-at-Home Security Projects
Today is sort of a continuation of episode 407 where we covered four fun stay-at-home security projects including FoldingAtHome building a headless pi-hole, redoing your network with a Dream Machine, and enjoing some music via Zoom by way of Q.U.A.C.K.
In thi
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7MS #410: PCI Professional Certification (PCIP) - Part 2
Im gonna love you like coronavirus, I dont know what else to say
Im gonna love you like coronavirus, Im gonna stand 6 feet away
Yes our love was meant to be, but it will have to wait until later
Cuz I dont wanna end up hooked up to a ventilator
In today's episode I continue sharing my journey about becoming a PCIP. Spoiler alert: I'm still applying to even start training to be one.
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7MS #409: PCI Professional Certification (PCIP)
Today I'm starting a journey to become a PCI Professional (PCIP), and I'll be periodically updating the status of this journey on the 7MS forums.
You don't need to be a QSA to get a PCIP, but you do need "2 years in IT or payments related background to have your application approved.
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7MS #408: Cell Phone Security for Tweenagers - Part 2
"I think of what the world could be
If it did not have COVID-19
A million dreams is all it's gonna taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!"
Today's episode is a continuation and update on the cell phone security for tweenagers episode from about a year ago.
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7MS #407: Four Fun Stay-at-Home Security Projects
In today's episode I share four fun stay-at-home security projects - three with a security focus and one centered around music. Let's gooooooooo!
The Folding At Home project helps use your GPU/CPU cycles for COVID-19 research. From the Web site:
It's awesome!
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7MS #406: Securing Your Family During and After a Disaster - Part 4
First and foremost, I hope you all are doing well and taking care of yourselves.
Today's episode focuses on disasters, which is unfortunately a very appropriate topic. As a quick refresher, our family had a fire a few months ago. It sucked.
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7MS #405: Tales of Internal Pentest Pwnage - Part 16
Today's episode of pentest pwnage is the (hopefully) exciting conclusion to this episode.
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7MS #403: 7MOOMAMA - Juice Shop Song + Backdoors and Breaches Jingle
Today's slightly off-topic episode kicks off a new tag called 7MOOMAMA. That stands for 7 Minutes of Only Music and Miscellaneous Awesomeness.
To kick things off, I'm super excited to share with you two new security-themed songs for some of my favorite security things!
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7MS #402: Interview with Matt Duench of Arctic Wolf
Today I'm joined by Matt Duench (LinkedIn / Twitter), who has a broad background in technology and security - from traveling to over 40 countries around the world working with telecom services, to his current role at Arctic Wolf where he leads product marketing for their managed risk solution.
Matt chatted with me over Skype about a wide variety of security topics, including:
Corporate conversations around securit
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7MS #401: Tales of Internal Pentest Pwnage - Part 15
Its episode 401 and were having fun, right?
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7MS #400: Tales of Internal Pentest Pwnage - Part 14
Wow, happy 400th episode everybody! Also, happy SIXTH birthday to the 7MS podcast!
Today I've got a really fun tale of internal network pentest pwnage to share with you, as well as a story about a "poop-petrator." Key moments and takeaways include:
Your target network might have heavy egress filtering in place.
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7MS Pwnagotchi Webinar
Thank you for attending the 7MS Pwnagotchi Webinar.
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7MS #399: Baby's First Password Cracking Rig
Believe it or not I'm pentesting your stuff
I never thought I could feel so free-hee-hee
I compromised one of your Domain Admins
Who it could be? The guy with "Password123"
In today's episode we're talking all about building your own password-cracking rig! "Wait a minute!" you say. "Are you abandoning the Paperspace password cracking in the cloud thing?" Nope!
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7MS #398: Securing Your Network with Raspberry Pi Sensors
I'll be your Raspberry Pi zero baby
I don't know what else to say
I'll keep bad stuff off of your network
I will do it both night and day
Today I talk about four cool Raspberry Pi projects that will help you better secure your network.
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7MS #397: OPSEC Tips for Security Consultants
I'm working on a new security song called Don't Let the Internet Get You Down, and the chorus will go something like this:
Don't let the Internet get you down
It's full of trolls and 10 year olds and adolescent clowns
So let their words roll off of you, like water off a duck
To prove to them that you don't give a darn
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7MS #396: Tales of Internal Pentest Pwnage - Part 13
In last week's episode I was very close to potentially synching up some very sensitive data with my super secret back door account. In this episode, we resolve the cliffhanger and talk about:
How I don't remember lyrics or titles to songs - even the ones I love - such as My Prerogative.
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7MS #395: Tales of Internal Pentest Pwnage - Part 12
In today's tale of pentest pwnage I got to try some tools and tricks for the first time!
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7MS #394: DIY Pwnagotchi
Sung to the tune of "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman"
Do you wanna build a Pwnagotchi?
Even though you thought you never would?
I really hope mine doesn't ever break
It grabs wifi handshakes
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7MS #393: Interview with Peter Kim
Peter Kim of The Hacker Playbook series joins me today to talk about all things hacking!
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7MS #392: LAPS Reloaded
Note: an updated episode on LAPS is available here: 7MS #523
Today's episode is all about LAPS - Microsoft's Local Administrator Password solution. In a nutshell, LAPS strengthens and randomizes the local administrator password on the systems across your enterprise.
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7MS #391: Securing Your Family During and After a Disaster - Part 3
This is part three of this series - part 1 talked about a fire that destroyed my family's home and vehicles, and part 2 was about how to get "back on the grid" and start working with the insurance machine to find a new "normal."
Today, I want to answer some burning questions many of you have been asking:
Have you hit rock bottom ye
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7MS #390: Tales of Internal Network Pentest Pwnage - Part 11
Today's episode is a twofer. That's right, two tales of internal network pentest pwnage. Whoop whoop!
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7MS #389: Securing Your Family During and After a Disaster - Part 2
In part 1 of this series we talked about a tragic event my family experienced a few weeks ago: we lost our house and vehicles in a fire. Today I'll talk about:
How to get "back on the grid" when starting with nothing but the clothes on your back.
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7MS #388: Securing Your Family During and After a Disaster - Part 1
In today's episode I talk about how my family's house and two vehicles were recently destroyed in a fire. The Johnson family is all ok - no injuries, thank God. However, this has turned our world upside down, and over the past week of sleepless nights I've thought a lot about how this tragedy could help others ensure their families are safe and secure both during and after a disaster.
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7MS #387: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying - Part 7
Today's episode features a few important changes to the tools and services I use to run 7MS:Docusign is out and (sort of) replaced with ProposifyVoltage SecureMail is out and replaced by ShareFileNinite is rad for keeping mobile pentest dropboxes automatica
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7MS #386: Interview with Ryan Manship and Dave Dobrotka - Part 4
I'm sorry it took me forever and a day to get this episode up, but I'm thrilled to share part 4 (the final chapter - for now anyways) of my interview with the red team guys, Ryan and Dave!
In today's episode we talk about:
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7MS #385: A Peek into the 7MS Mail Bag
Today I'm joined by a very special guest: Mrs. 7MS! She joins me on a road trip to northern MN, reads me some questions from the 7MS mail bag, and we tackle them together (with a side order of commentary on weddings, overheating iPads, cheap hotels and the realization that this is likely the first - and only episode that Mrs.
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7MS #384: Creating Kick-Butt Credential-Capturing Phishing Campaigns
In this episode I talk about some things I learned about making your own kick-butt cred-capturing phishing campaign and how to do so on the (relatively) quick and (relatively) cheap!
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7MS #383: Tales of Internal Network Pentest Pwnage - Part 10
This episode is a "sequel" of sorts to part 9 where I was helping another company tag-team an internal network pentest.
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7MS #382: Tales of Internal Network Pentest Pwnage - Part 9
Today's episode is about a pentest that was pretty unique for me.
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7MS #381: DIY $500 Pentesting Lab Deployment Tips
Over the last few weeks I've been working on trying to streamline/automate my DIY pentest lab setup, so I wanted to share the following tips/tricks I've been learning along the way:
For Windows VMs
Take a snapshot right after the OS is installed, as (I believe) the countdown timer for Windows evaluation mode starts upon first "real" boot.
Want to quickly run Windows updates on a fresh Win VM?
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7MS #380: Tales of Internal Network Pentest Pwnage - Part 8
Today's episode is a continuation of episode #379, where we:
Conducted general nmap scans (and additional scans specifically looking for Eternal Blue)
Sucked our nmap scans into Eyewitness
Captured and cracked some creds with Paperspace
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7MS #379: Tales of Internal Network Pentest Pwnage - Part 7
This episode, besides talking about a man who screamed at me for not being on my cell phone, covers another tale of internal network pentest pwnage!
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7MS #378: Interview with Zane West of Proficio
In today's episode, I sit down with Zane West of Proficio. Zane has been in information security for more than 20 years - starting out in the "early days" as a sysadmin and then moved up into global infrastructure architect function in the banking world. Today Zane manages Proficio's solution and product development.
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7MS #377: DIY Pentest Dropbox Tips
In today's episode I cover some of the nasty "gotchas" I've run into when sending my pentest dropboxes around the country. Curious on how to setup your own portable pentest dropboxes (and/or pentest lab environments)?
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7MS #376: Tales of SQL Injection Pwnage
We cover a lot of ground today on a variety of topics:
I have an Oculus Quest now and I love it.
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7MS #375: Tales of Pentest Fail #3
I swear this program isn't turning into the Dr.
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7MS #374: Tales of Internal Pentest Pwnage - Part 6
Ok, I lied a few episodes ago, and I'm sorry! I was on an epic road trip this week and suddenly remembered the pentest that really had the shortest TTDA (time to domain admin) ever. Enjoy that tale on today's podcast!
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7MS #373: Tales of Pentest Fail #2
Today's episode is a two-tale story of me failing fantastically at vulnerability scanning early in my security career. Enjoy. Because I didn't at the time.
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7MS #372: Tales of Internal Pentest Pwnage - Part 5
Today I share the (hopefully) exciting and fun conclusion to last week's episode about a tale of internal pentest pwnage! A few important notes from today's episode:
Need to find which hosts on your network have SMB signing disabled, and then get a nice clean list of IPs as a result?
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7MS #371: Tales of Internal Pentest Pwnage - Part 4
Happy belated 4th of July! Today I've got another fun tale of internal pentest pwnage that comes out of a few recent assessments I did.
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7MS #370: Happy Secure 4th!
Hey folks, happy secure 4th o' July!
In today's seven minute episode (Wha? Gasp! Yep...it's seven minutes!) I kick back a bit, give you some updates and tease/prepare you for some cool full episodes to come in the near future.
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7MS #369: Cracking Hashes with NPK
Today I'm having a blast with cracking hashes quickly and cost-effectively using NPK.
For 1+ years I've loved my Paperspace config, but lately I've had some reservations about it:
People are telling me they're having problems installing the drivers
My methodology for building wordlists with HateCrack doesn't seem to work anymore
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7MS #368: Tales of Pentest Fail
In today's episode, I toss myself under the proverbial security bus and share a tale of pentest fail.
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7MS #367: DIY Two-Hour Risk Assessment
Hey! I'm on the road again - this time with a tale encompassing:
How to conduct a mini risk assessment in just two hours.
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7MS #366: Tales of Internal Pentest Pwnage - Part 3
Today's episode was recorded on the way to a new assessment, and since I had nothing but miles and time in front of me, I covered two major stories (probably not in order of importance):
Why I had two get two haircuts in under and hour (spoiler: it's so I didn't look like an idiot for my client)!
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7MS #365: Interview with Ryan Manship and Dave Dobrotka - Part 3
First, a bit of miscellany:
If you replace "red rain" with "red team" in this song, we might just have a red team anthem on our hands!
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7MS #364: Tales of External Pentest Pwnage
This episode is about some cool things I'm learning about external pentesting. But first, some updates:
My talk at Secure360 went really well.
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7MS #363: Interview with Ryan Manship and Dave Dobrotka - Part 2
Yuss! It's true! Dave and Ryan are back!
Back in episode #326 we met Ryan Manship of RedTeam Security and Dave Dobrotka of United HealthGroup and talked about their cool and exciting careers as professional red teamers.
In this follow-up interview (which will be broken into a few parts), we talk through a red team engagement from start to finish.
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7MS #362: My Dear Friend Impostor Syndrome
Today I take a walk (literally!), get chased by a dog (seriously!) and talk about impostor syndrome and feelings of self-loathing and doubt as I get ready to speak at Secure360 next week (insert wah-wah-waaaaaaahhhhhhh here).
How do you deal with impostor syndrome?
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7MS #361: Logging Made Easy
Today we're talking about Logging Made Easy, a project that, as its name implies...makes logging easy! I love it. It offers a simple, digestible walkthrough of several short "chapters" to get started.
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7MS #360: Active Directory Security 101 - Part 2
In today's program we continue a series on fundamental Active Directory security that we started back in episode 327. I took all the things I talked about in that episode, as well as the new additions discussed today:
Find your most vulnerable AD abuse paths with BloodHound.
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7MS #359: Windows 10 Security Baselining
In this episode I explore some ways you can turn up the security heat on your Windows workstations by mapping their security to a hardening standard and/or baseline.
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7MS #358: 4 Ways to Write a Better Pentest Report
This week we're talking about everybody's favorite topic: REPORT WRITING! Yay! The peasants rejoice! In the last few months I've seen a lot of reports from other companies, and here are a few key problems I see with them:
Too long - overall these things are waaAAaAaaAayyyYYYYYYyyy too long. I see reports where the analyst has copied and pasted an entire Nessus report into the main report. Yikes.
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7MS #357: 7 Minutes of IT and Security Tips
Today I'm launching an ongoing series called 7MOIST.
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7MS #356: Faster Hard Drive Forensics with CyLR and CDQR
In today's episode I talk about some cool tools you can use to start a hard drive forensics investigation more quickly.
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7MS #355: Mousejacking!
In this episode, we talk about the Mousejacking attack, which allows someone with a crazy radio (or other similar device) to inject keystrokes into vulnerable keyboards and mice. Yikes!
Not trying to be a doom and gloom guy here, but using this Mousejacking attack, pentesters/attackers could take over your entire Active Directory in just seconds - from the parking lot!
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7MS #354: Tales of Internal Pentest Pwnage - Part 2
Today's episode is the thrilling, exciting, heart-pounding conclusion of Tales of Internal Pentest Pwnage - Part 1. In this episode, we cover the final "wins" that got me to Domain Admin status (and beyond!):
Got DA but can't get to your final "crown jewels" destinations?
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7MS #353: Tales of Internal Pentest Pwnage - Part 1
Buckle up! This is one of my favorite episodes.
Today I'm kicking off a two-part series that walks you through a narrative of a recent internal pentest I worked on. I was able to get to Domain Admin status and see the "crown jewels" data, so I thought this would be a fun and informative narrative to share.
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7MS #352: Recap of Rad Red Team Training
I recently had the awesome opportunity to take the awesome Real World Red Team course put on by Peter Kim, author of The Hacker Playbook series.
TLDR and TLDL (too long don't listen): go take this training. Please. Now. The end.
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7MS #351: Turn Windows Logging up to 11
In today's episode, I talk about how the level of Windows server/client logging out of the box is...not really awesome.
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7MS #350: Interview with Lewie Wilkinson of Pondurance
Today's featured interview is with Lewie Wilkinson, senior integration engineer at Pondurance. Pondurance helps customers improve their security posture by providing a managed threat hunting and response solution, including a 24/7 SOC. Lewie joined me via Skype to talk a lot about a topic I'm fascinated with: incident response!
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7MS #349: Interview with Ameesh Divatia of Baffle
Today's featured interview is with Ameesh Divatia, cofounder and CEO at Baffle.
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Thanks for checking out the 7 Minute Security podcast!
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7MS #348: Cell Phone Security for Tweenagers
This episode focuses on security for families/kids - specifically cell phone security for tweenagers. We hit a milestone in the 7MS household this year because my tweenage son got an iPhone, much to my...uhh...not excitement.
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7MS Webinars
You can see the schedule for all of 7 Minute Security's upcoming (and past) Webinars at: https://7MinSec.com/live.
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7MS #347: Happy 5th Birthday to 7MS
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to 7MS (the podcast)!!
Today I thought I'd kind of hit the reset/refresh button and give you a little background on:
My self-diagnosed job ADHD (check out my series on career guidance for the even longer version :-/)
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7MS #346: Baby's First Red Team Engagement
WARNING: Today's episode is a bit of an experiment, and I hope you'll hang in there with me for it.
I had the opportunity to do a week-long red team engagement, and so I recorded a little summary of the experience at the end of each day, and then pasted them all together to make today's episode.
Listening back to the episode now, it sounds like I might belong on a funny farm.
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7MS #345: Interview with Amber Boone
Today I'm pleased to welcome Amber Boone to the program!
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7MS #344: Announcing the 7MS User Group
I'd like to coordially invite you to the first-ever 7MS User Group meeting, coming up Monday, January 14th at 6 p.m.! You can attend physically, virtually or both!
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7MS #343: Interview with Dan DeCloss
Dan DeCloss (a.k.a. wh33lhouse on Slack and @PlexTracFTW aon Twitter) joined me virtually in the studio to talk about his passion project, PlexTrac.
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7 Minute Security User Group
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7MS #342: Interview with Matt McCullough
Matt McCullough (a.k.a. Matty McFly on Slack) joined me in the studio to talk about his wild and crazy path to security. He started literally with no technical experience, but through a lot of hard work, aggressive networking and taking advantage of educational and career opportunities, Matt now rocks a SOC job.
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7MS #341: How to Fix Unquoted Service Paths
In today's episode we talk about how to identify - and resolve - unquoted service paths. Maybe you've seen this pop up in your vulnerability scanner and aren't quite sure what the risk is or how to fix it - and maybe more importantly, how to fix it at scale if need be.
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Pecha Kucha and The CryptoLocker Music Video
In 7MS #340 I talked about how much fun I had creating a Pecha Kucha session that was part PSA (about how to not click bad links) and part music video.
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7MS #340: Forensics 101 Reloaded and The CryptoLocker Music Video
Last week I had the fun privilege of speaking twice at the Minnesota Goverment IT Symposium on the following topics:
Forensics 101: This was a "reloaded" talk that I started earlier this year (and covered in episode 299 and 300).
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7MS #339: A Pulse-Pounding Impromptu Physical Pentest
On a recent security assessment I was thrown for a loop and given the opportunity to do a two-part physical pentest/SE exercise - with about 5 minutes notice(!). Yes, it had me pooping my pants, but in retrospect it was an amazing experience. This is the mission I was given:
See if you can get the front desk staff to plug in a USB drive - I posed as John Strand and armed myself with a fake resume.
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7MS #338: SIEMple Tests for Your SIEM Solution
Today's episode talks about some SIEMple tests you can run on your SIEM (OMg see what I did there? I took the word simple and made it SIEMple. Genius stuff, right? And there's no extra charge for it!). And if you're just now starting to shop around for a SIEM, this episode also has an extensive questionnaire you can use to put your vendors' feet to the fire and see what they're made of!
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7MS #337: Happy Secure Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving! In this episode I:
Share some things I'm thankful for - like you!
Talk about a fun episode I'm working on that has some SIEMple tests you can use to test your SIEM (omg see what I did there?
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7MS #336: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying - Part 6
Welcome to part 6 of our miniseries all about the ups, downs, trials and tribulations of being a small, one-person security start up. In this episode I detail out all the software/services I use to run 7 Minute Security, LLC in hopes it might help you run your company as well! I started a new gist to complement this episode, which you can get by clicking here. I've also embedded it below.
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7MS #335: Cool Stuff I Just Learned From Red Teamers
Today I'm excited to brain-dump a bunch of cool stuff I learned at a red team conference called ArcticCon this week. Although this conference observes the Chatham house rule I'm just going to talk about a few things from a general, high level. Specifically, I asked several heavy-hitting red teams these burning questions:
When you red team an org, do you usually assume compromise (i.e.
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7MS #334: IT Security Horrors That Keep You Up at Night
This week I got to celebrate Halloween with my friends at Netwrix by co-hosting a Webinar called IT Security Horrors That Keep You Up at Night.
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7MS #333: Pentesting Potatoes
This week I was in lovely Boise, Idaho doing some security assessment work.
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7MS #332: Low Hanging Hacker Fruit
In this episode I'm releasing a new document aimed to help organizations eliminate low hanging hacker fruit from the environment. The document contains (relatively) cheap and (relatively) easy things to implement. And my hope is it can be a living/breathing document that will bulk up over time. Got things to add to this list?
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7MS #331: How to Become a Packtpub Author - Part 3
It's done! It's done!!
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7MS makes Detectify's "Recommended Web Security Podcasts for 2018" list
7MS is honored to be on Detectify's "Web security podcasts we are currently listening to" list.
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7MS #330: Interview with Nathan Hunstad of Code42
In today's episode, I'm excited to be joined in the studio by Nathan Hunstad, Director of Security at Code42. Nathan and I had a great chat about Code42's new security offering called Code42 Forensic File Search, which helps IT and security teams figure out where files are located across their enterprise - even if the endpoints are offline.
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7MS #329: Active Directory Security 101
Welcome! Today I'm kicking off a new miniseries all about the fundamentals of Active Directory security. Rather than try to pile all the info into show notes, I'm going to start pumping everything into a living/breathing GitHub gist so we're all on the same page as this miniseries develops further.
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7MS #328: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying - Part 5
This episode is a cavalcade of fun! Why?
First, I've got a big announcement: I've accepted a new position.
"What?!" exclaimed my mom. "I thought you were president of 7MS, what the what?"
No worries, it's business as usual, and my responsibilities at 7MS aren't changing. But I'm also going to start writing blogs, nurturing a Slack channel and producing a podcast for somebody else each week.
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Listener feedback - episode 326
People have been sending me some great feedback on episode #326, which featured Ryan Manship of RedTeam Security and Dave Dobrotka of United HealthGroup.
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7MS #327: Interview with John Strand
Well I'm geeking out big time because today I chatted with John Strand of Black Hills Information Security, SANS instructing, Security Weekly, Active Countermeasures, RITA and more.
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7MS #326: Interview with Ryan Manship and Dave Dobrotka
Today I'm super pumped to be joined by Ryan Manship of RedTeam Security and Dave Dobrotka of United HealthGroup.
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7MS #325: Integrating Pwned Passwords with Active Directory - Part 2
Today's episode is a follow-up to #304 where we talked about how you can integrate over 500 million weak/breached/leaked passwords form Troy Hunt's Pwned Passwords into your Active Directory.
To get started with this in your environment, grab Troy's updated passwords list [here](https:
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7MS #324: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying - Part 4
It's been a while so I thought I'd update you on how things are going on the business front.
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7MS #323: 7 Ways to Not Get Hacked
Today's episode is about a general security awareness session I'm putting together, and it's aimed at helping individuals and businesses not get hacked. To play off the lucky number 7, I'm trying to broil this list down to 7 key things to focus on.
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7MS #322: My First Live Radio Interview
I had an exhilarating and terrifying experience this week doing my first ever live radio interview!
As a quick bit of background, this interview was part of the 7MS radio marketing campaign that I've talked about my "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying" series (here's part 1, 2 and [3](https://7ms.us/7ms-316-how-to-succeed-in
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7MS #321: Interview with Joe Klein - Part 2
Today's episode is brought to you by ITProTV. Visit itpro.tv/7ms and use code 7MS to get a FREE 7-day trial and 30% off a monthly membership for the lifetime of your active subscription.
Today's episode is a follow-up interview with Joe Klein, who is my good pal, a former coworker, and a SOC analyst extraordinaire.
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7MS #320: Interview with Lane Roush of Arctic Wolf
Today's episode is brought to you by ITProTV. Visit itpro.tv/7ms and use code 7MS to get a FREE 7-day trial and 30% off a monthly membership for the lifetime of your active subscription.
This week I sat down with Lane Roush of Arctic Wolf to discuss the big hairy beast that is...(insert dramatic music here) logging and alerting!
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7MS #319: Sniper and Firewalls Full of FUD
Today's episode is brought to you by ITProTV. Visit itpro.tv/7ms and use code 7MS to get a FREE 7-day trial and 30% off a monthly membership for the lifetime of your active subscription.
In today's episode, I talk about my fun experience using the Sn1per automated pentesting tool. It's really cool! It can scan your network, find vulnerabilities and exploit them - all in one swoop!
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7MS #318: Interview with Bjorn Kimminich of OWASP Juice Shop
Today's episode is brought to you by ITProTV.
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7MS #317: Interview with Justin McCarthy of StrongDM
Today's interview features Justin McCarthy, CTO and cofounder of StrongDM, which offers both commercial and open source tools (like Comply) to help customers with SOC compliance.
Justin schooled me (in a nice way) about a lot of things, including:
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7MS #316: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying - Part 3
In this episode I wanted to give you some cool/fun updates as it relates to 7MS the business!
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7MS #315: Creating a Personal DR Plan - Part 2
As a continuation of last week's episode I'm now making a bit of progress in finding a good backup solution that protects USB backups both at rest and when pumped up to the cloud.
I mentioned I've been using BackBlaze for backups (not a sponsor), and they allow you to backup USB drives as long as they're connected at least once every 30 days. That's cool.
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7MS #314: Creating a Personal DR Plan
You probably create DR plans for your business (or help other companies build them), but have you thought about creating one for yourself? Yeah, I know it's grim to think about "What will my loved ones do to get into my accounts, backups, photos, social media accounts..." but it's probably not a bad idea to prepare for that (spoiler alert: we all die at some point).
Today I talk about how I'm beginning to build such a plan so my wife can take over for my/our online accounts.
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7MS #313: Push-Button Domain Admin Access
As I was preparing for my Secure 360 talk a month or so ago, I stumbled upon this awesome article which details a method for getting Domain Admin access in just a few minutes - without cracking passwords or doing anything else "loud." The tools you'll need are:
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7MS #312: OFF-TOPIC - Boxing a Cat
It has been a heck of a week (in a good way), and I'm taking a break from security so you can help me untangle a mystery that's been wrapped around my brain for years. I need you to help me figure out what this dude meant when he said that something was as frustrating "as boxing a cat."
P.S. if you hate off-topic episodes no worries!
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7MS #311: How to Build a Cuckoo Sandbox
This week I dove into building a Cuckoo Sandbox for malware analysis. There are certainly a ton of posts and videos out there about it, but this entry called Painless Cuckoo Sandbox Installation caught my eye as a good starting point.
This article got me about 80% of the way there, and the last 20% proved to be problematic.
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7MS #310: Secure the Radio Commercials
Last week I was in the recording studio to record three 7MS commercials aimed at churches. The goal was to educate them on some security topics and close with a "hook" to contact 7MS for help securing your church.
The commercials themselves are embedded in this episode so please have a listen and let me know what you think! I'll also let you know (via the podcast) when these commercials hit the air.
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7MS #309: Password Cracking in the Cloud - Part 2
Cracking passwords in the cloud is super fun (listen to last week's episode to learn how to build your own cracking box on the cheap at Paperspace)!
In the last couple weeks, customers have asked me about doing a password strength assessment on their Active Directory environment.
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7MS #308: Password Cracking in the Cloud
I had an absolute ball this week trying to figure out how to crack passwords effectively, and on the cheap, and in the cloud. Today's episode goes into much more detail, and below is the Gist of my approach thus far.
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7MS #307: Writing Security-Focused Radio Commercials
Hey, so this week I am without my main machine - thus no jingle or "jungle boogie" intro music. Feels weird. Feels real weird.
Anyway, ya know how I teased last week that 7MS could possibly be coming to a radio station near you?
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7MS #306: A Peek into the 7MS Mail Bag - Part 2
We've dug into some pretty technical topics the last few weeks so we're gonna take it easy today.
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7MS #305: Evaluating Endpoint Protection Solutions - Part 2
Today is part two of evaluating endpoint solutions, where I primarily focus on Caldera which is an adversary simulation system that's really awesome! You can essentially setup a virtual attacker and cut it loose on some test machines, which is what I did as part of an endpoint protection evaluation project.
The attacks simulated are from Adversarial Tactics, Techniques & Common Knowledge (ATT&CK) project.
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7MS #304: Integrating Pwned Passwords with Active Directory
I've been super pumped about Troy Hunt's Pwned Passwords project ever since it came out - especially when I saw a tweet about using it in Active Directory so that enterprises could essentially stop people from picking previously pwned passwords!
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7MS #303: Evaluating Endpoint Protection Solutions
I'm working on a fun project right now where I'm evaluating endpoint protection solutions for a client. They're faced with a choice of either refreshing endpoints to the latest gen of their current product, or doing a rip and replace with something else.
I've spun up a standalone AD environment with ~5 Win 10 VMs and nothing on 'em except a current set of patches.
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7MS #302: Bunnies and Bloodhounds
I've had a fun week with a mixed bag of security related stuff happening, so I thought I'd throw it all in a big stew and cook it up for today's episode. Here are the highlights:
Bash bunny preso
I had a fun opportunity this week to speak to some property managers about the threats the Bash Bunny poses to an environment.
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7MS #301: CredDefense
CredDefense is a freakin' sweet tool from the fine folks at Black Hills Information Security that does some really nifty things:
Password filter
Lets say you use the out-of-the-box password policy that comes with Active Directory, and you want to change your password to Winter2017!
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7MS #300: Windows System Forensics 101 - Part 2
In today's continuation of last week's episode I'm continuing a discussion on using free tools to triage Windows systems - be they infected or just acting suspicious. Specifically, those tools include:
FTK Imager - does a dandy job of creating memory dumps and/or full disk backups of a live system.
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7MS #299: Windows System Forensics 101
I had the privilege of creating a Windows System Forensics 101 course/presentation for a customer. The good/bad news is there is so much good information out there, it's hard to boil things down to just an hour.
For the first part of the presentation, I focused on Mark Russinovich's technique of using Sysinternals as the primary surgical tool.
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7MS #298: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying - Part 2
Last week I talked about how business has been going with the LLC.
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7MS #297: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying
Hey! So back in episode 287 I talked about how I was upgrading 7 Minute Security and turning it into an LLC. Since then I've gotten a lot of questions like "Hey, how do I start my own security company? What's it cost? How do you find business?
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7MS #296: WEFFLES - Windows Event Logging Forensic Logging Enhancement Services
WEFFLES are delicious!
WEFFLES stands for Windows Event Logging Forensic Logging Enhancement Services and is Microsoft's cool (and free!) console for responding to incidents and hunting threats.
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7MS #295: Interview with Kevin Keane
Today I'm excited to be joined by my friend and advisor Kevin Keane (Twitter / LinkedIn) who is a lawyer, blogger, keynote speaker, business advisor, and just all around great guy.
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7MS #294: GDPR Me ASAP
We're talkin' about GDPR today!
GDPR in a nutshell
GDPR, in a nutshell, is a set of legal regulations focused on the privacy of personal information for EU citizens - no matter where they are. Entities that store and/or process personal information about EU citizens must clearly explain to the citizens what data is being stored and processed, and any parties the data is being shared with.
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7MS #293: How to Become a Packtpub Author - Part 2
Back in episode 280 I talked about how I started working with PacktPub to start authoring a video course on vulnerability scanning using Kali.
Since that episode I've found that recording and editing high quality video clips is taking waaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy longer than I'd like, but it's worth it to create good stuff!
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7MS #292: OFF-TOPIC - How I Nearly Killed My Sister with a Snowball
Hey folks, I had originally planned to cover the CredDefense toolkit but I couldn't get it working. I'm basically having the same issue that someone reported here. Sooooo....will have to save that for next week.
In the meantime, this episode features a story about how I nearly knocked a retina out of my sister's face with an ice ball when I was about 8 years old.
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7MS #291: The Quest for Critical Security Controls - Part 4
Did I mention I love the Critical Security Controls? I do.
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7MS #290: Interview with Joe Klein
My pal and former coworker Joe Klein joins me in the virtual studio to discuss:
His career as a diesel mechanic and insurance guru
How to leave a stable job, take a huge pay cut and start a risky infosec internship (sounds like the name of a broadway musical!)
The start of his new career as a SOC analyst
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7MS #289: I'm Dipping My Toes in Windows Forensics
Two weird things happening in this episode:
I'm not in the car, and thus not endangering myself and others while podcasting and driving!
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7MS #288: I'm BURPing a Lot
Did you hear about this? Basically anybody could log in as user root on your system without a password because...there isn't a password!
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7MS #287: Introducing 7 Minute Security LLC
Well, after over-teasing this last week, I'm excited to announce that I've started my own company!
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7MS #286: The Quest for Critical Security Controls - Part 3
We're continuing to hammer on the CSCs again this week.
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7MS #285: The Quest for Critical Security Controls - Part 2
I've heard this song way too much this week.
I love the CIS Controls but it seems like there isn't a real good hands-on implementation guide out there. Hrmm...maybe it's time to create one?
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7MS #284: The Quest for Critical Security Controls
For a long time I've been electronically in love with the Critical Security Controls. Not familiar with 'em? The CIS site describes them as:
Cool, right? Yeah.
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7MS #283: OFF-TOPIC - I Love Cops and COPS
My plans for this week's podcast went hush-hush, kablooie, bye-bye, see ya, adios.
So, I'm pinch-hitting and going off-topic and talking about...of all things...cops. Now wait! Wait wait! Don't run away. I'm not going all political on you or anything like that.
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7MS #282: A Peek into the 7MS Mail Bag
I'm gonna level with you: it's been a heck of a week. So I thought I'd try something a little different (and desperate?) and use this episode to answer some FAQs that come in via email and Twitter DM.
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7MS #281: Baby's First Banking Infosec Conference
I went to my first ever banking-focused infosec conference a few weeks ago (WBA's Secure-IT) and learned a ton.
I met some really great people and had many productive conversations around security.
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7MS #280: How to Become a Packtpub Author
I'm excited to announce I'm going to be a PacktPub author! I'm going to work with them to create a course on network/vulnerability scanning. I'm pumped, but kinda nervous, so when I had the initial conversations with PacktPub staff, I made sure I hit them with my burning questions:
Q: Are you going to ask me to create a sweet course and then pay me pennies for every digital copy sold?
A: No.
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7MS #279: Patching Solutions Bake-Off - Part 4
The patching solutions review concludes this week with Ivanti's patch solution, as well as PDQ Deploy/Inventory.
As a quick reminder, here's where our bake-off currently sits:
Ninite (covered in 7MS #275)
ManageEngine (covered in 7MS #277)
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7MS #278: Interview with SE Guru Rob Sell
We're breaking ground with this episode, folks! For the first time in 7MS history, we've got a guest on the show (finally, right?!).
Rob Sell is an IT manager who has been working in IT for many years, with a focus on information security specifically for the last 4 years.
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Join us on Slack!
Hey you Slacker you! I'd love to you join us over at the 7MS Slack channel. We talk about security and a whole lotta other stuff, and all skill levels are welcome!
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7MS #277: Patching Solutions Bake-Off - Part 3
The patching solutions review continues this week with Manage Engine's Desktop Central.
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7MS #276: The CryptoLocker song
This is it! The worldwide Internet debut of an original infosec-themed song called CryptoLocker'd, and as the name implies, it's about a CryptoLocker incident. Here's the quick back story:
A few years ago a worked on an incident response where a user got phished with a promise of a free burrito from Chipotle but instead got a free order of CryptoLocker! And rather than tell IT or sound the alarms, the user just left for the day!
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7MS #275: Patching Solutions Bake-Off - Part 2
This episode continues our series on comparing popular patching solutions, such as:
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7MS #274: Speaking at ILTACON - Part 4
I'm back from Vegas! My talk went really well and I'm excited to tell you about it in today's episode. First, some conference/trip highlights:
During the ILTACON conference I attended a great talk by Don McMillan about how to infuse humor into your work environment. Really enlightening, and you know those things you hear about how humor lowers blood pressure, increases satisfaction and just overall makes you a more pleasant person to be around?
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7MS #273: Speaking at ILTACON - Part 3
I ran out of time in episode #272 to tell you about why preparing to be a speaker for ILTACON was way more stressful that preparing for Secure360 a few months ago.
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7MS #272: Speaking at ILTACON - Part 2
This is part 2 of a series focusing on public speaking - specifically for the ILTACON conference happening in Vegas this week.
In this episode I share a high-level walkthrough of my talk and the 10 "Blue Team on a Budget" tips that the talk will focus on.
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7MS #271: Patching Solutions Bake-Off - Part 1
Seems like every business I meet with needs some sort of help in the patching department. Maybe they've got the Microsoft OS side of the house under control, but the third-party stuff is lacking. Or vice-versa.
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7MS #270: IDS on a Budget - Part 4
I spent a bunch of time with Security Onion the last couple week's and have been lovin' it! I ran the install, took all the defaults, ran the updates, and pretty much just let it burn in on my prod (home) environment.
After a few days, I went back to check the Security Onion dashboard to check the alerts.
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7MS #269: Documentation
Documentation is super boring, right? Yet it's critical to getting your client/audience excited about making their security better!
In this episode I talk about my mixed feelings towards the "big" standards like ISO/NIST/etc. and how a more tactical, down-to-earth documentation approach might be more effective in some cases.
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7MS #268: IDS on a Budget - Part 3
Been having a blast working with the beta branch of the Sweet Security project and it anxious to try the latest fixes of the beta branch. Give it a look!
I also spent a lot of time the last few nights playing with Security Onion and love it. After zipping through the install wizard and hitting reboot a few times you're pretty much good to go.
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7MS #267: Backup Disasters
Today's episode is a horror story about how I recently lost 5+ years of CrashPlan backups due to what I'm calling a...small clerical error.
Yes, this oopsie was 100% my fault, but I think backup providers can do a better job of warning us (via text or automated call rather than just email) before blowing away our life's work.
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7MS #266: IDS on a Budget - Part 2
This week I've continued to play with the awesome Sweet Security IDS solution you can throw on a Raspberry Pi 3.
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7MS #265: IDS on a Budget - Part 1
I've been wanting to get a Bro IDS installed for a long time now - and for several reasons:
It looks fun!
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7MS #264: Hacking Wordpress
I was pleasantly surprised to see a Wordpress site fall into a pentest scope this past week. One helpful tool to get familiar with when attacking Wordpress sites is wpscan, which is built right into Kali - or you can grab it from GitHub. Get familiar with the command line flags as they can help you conduct a more gentle scan that recovers from site errors/disconnections more easily.
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7MS #263: Make Nessus Reporting Fun Again!
Tell me I can't be the only one who regularly wants to combine a bunch of small Nessus scans files into a big fat Nessus scan file, and then make pretty pictures/graphs/summaries that the customer can easily understand?
Over the last few weeks I must've tried every Powershell and Python script I could get my hands on, yet still didn't find the magic bullet solution. That is, until I found this little beauty of a tool: NamicSoft.
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7MS #262: Speaking at ILTACON
Through kind of a weird series of events, I have an opportunity to speak at ILTACON this summer in Vegas (baby!). I'll be talking about some things you can do if you suspect your perimeter is breached, as well as low-hanging fruit you can implement to better defend against breaches. I'm pumped.
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7MS #261: Blind Network Security Assessments
The PwnPulse helps a ton in scanning wired and wireless networks...and even Bluetooth!
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7MS #260: PwnPro 101 - Part 2
I'm continuing to love the our PwnPro and had a chance to use it on a customer assessment this week. For the most part the setup/install was a breeze. Just had a few hiccups that the Pwnie support team straightened me out on right away.
In the episode I mention some command line tools and syntax that helped me work with the Pulse.
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7MS #259: OFF-TOPIC - Home Robbery Attribution
Warning! Warning! This is an off-topic episode!
I try really hard to create valuable weekly content about IT/security. However, sometimes a virtual grenade goes off in my life and prevents me from having the necessary time/resources to get my act together. This has been one of those weeks. :-)
So today I'm going off-topic and talking about an alleged burglary of some electronics at my home.
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7MS #258: Speaking at Secure360 - Part 2
I mentioned last week that I was speaking at the Secure360 conference here in the Twin Cities, and at that time I was preparing a talk called Pentesting 101: No Hoodie Required. I was so nervous that I've basically spent the last week breathing heavily into paper bags and wishing I was on sedatives.
But I have good news to report in today's episode, friends!
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7MS #257: Speaking at Secure360
The nervous butterflies are chewing up my organs this week. Why?
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7MS #256: AlienVault Certified System Engineer - Part 2
So a few weeks ago I did an episode about the AlienVault Certified Security Engineer certification, and last Friday I took a stab at the test.
I failed. It kicked my butt.
Today I'm here to both rant about the unfairness of the test and offer you some study tips so you don't suffer a similar fate.
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7MS #255: PwnPro 101
I'm kicking the tires on the PwnPro which is an all-in-one wired, wireless and Bluetooth assessment and pentesting tool.
Upon getting plugged into a network, it peers with a cloud portal and lets you assess and pentest from the comfort of your jammies back at your house! Oh, and did I mention it runs Kali on the back end?
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7MS #254: Bash Bunny
I've been working with the Bash Bunny for the past few weeks in preparation for a presentation/demo I'm doing in a few weeks. Today I want to talk about what the Bunny is, the cool things it can do, and some of my favorite payloads.
Also, I started thinking about what conversation topics spawn from a demo of the Bunny. Specifically, I want to know how people would defend against the Bunny using AD policies, peripheral controls, etc.
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7MS #253: Desperately Seeking Service Accounts
In the environmental/network hardening projects I've been working on the last few months, there are (at least) two common needs we are seeing:
The ability to enumerate where service accounts are used throughout the environment. I wrote a script that helps gather this info. P.S.
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7MS #252: LAPS - Local Administrator Password Solution
Note: an updated episode on LAPS is available here: 7MS #523
Microsoft LAPS is a tool that allows you to randomize and strengthen the local administrator passwords across your AD enterprise!
I spent the last few weeks in the lab working through the documentation, getting snagged with some "gotchas" and eventually claiming victory (for the most part).
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7MS #251: Blackholing Malvertising with Pi-Hole
So a few weeks ago I discovered that my Ubiquiti ERX was not, contrary to how I thought I had it setup, functioning as a local DNS server on my network.
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7MS #250: The PBS Telethon Episode!
Hey everybody, and thanks for supporting 250 episodes of 7 Minute Security!
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7MS #249: AlienVault Certified Security Engineer - Part 1
Hey friends!
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7MS #248: How to Hack the 10 O'clock News
I recently had a really cool opportunity to work with my boss and the local NBC news station to put together a story about the (in)security of wireless and ioT.
This was my first experience working directly with a news team and I learned a lot about:
How to hack on the fly :-)
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7MS #247: Webapp Pentest Tool Bake-Off - Part 4
Today's battle for a Webapp pentest tool bake-off winner ends today with a brief look at...
I like that it has a suite of vuln-scanning tools somewhat in the vein of Rapid 7's family of products
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7MS #246: Webapp Pentest Tool Bake-Off - Part 3
In part 3 of our Webapp pentest tool bake-off we're talking about...
In a nutshell, I was quite impressed with not only the product itself, but my interaction with the sales/support folks as well.
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7MS #245: Webapp Pentest Tool Bake-Off - Part 2
In part two of today's bake-off, we focus our sights on:
Overall I think it's a very capable tool, but in today's episode I discuss some of my reservations/hang-ups with it:
Pricing - quite expensive!
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7MS #244: Webapp Pentest Tool Bake-Off - Part 1
Today I'm starting a mini-series about my experience with the following popular Webapp pentesting tools:
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7MS logo design contest!
You've got just a few days to vote on your favorite 7 Minute Security logo, so please vote now.
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7MS #243: ZOMG Logo Design Contest!
TLDL: Hey everybody, I'm super excited to announce that the 7MS logo design contest is in its final stages. This episode is about my cool experience with 99designs and some uber-talented artists that wielded their talent into some friggin' sweet logo creations!
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7MS #242: Bye Bye Dream Job - Part 4
We've reached the end of this series, and I come into this final chapter bearing good news: I have a job!
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7MS #241: Bye Bye Dream Job - Part 3
This is part 3 of a series on my transition to a new job. Today's episode is aimed particularly for those of you going after tech-focused position, such as a security analyst or pentester.
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7MS #240: Bye Bye Dream Job - Part 2
This is part 2 of a series on my transition to a new job (yes, again). Today we're focusing on resources to help you find new job, such as LinkedIn, recruiters, Careerbuilder.com, Indeed.com, etc. as well as some tips to help you stand above the other candidates vying for the same position:
Finding a job - sites and resources
There are a ka-jillion out there.
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7MS #239: Bye Bye Dream Job - Part 1
Yep, it's true. The dream job I started in 2016 has come to an end (TLDR: the position was moved overseas so my contract wasn't renewed) Sniff sniff...I'm gonna miss you.
BUT that means I've been sharpening my job-hunting skills, hounding recruiters, punching up my resume and scouring the Web for good job sites and other resources.
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7MS #237: Network Monitoring 101 - Part 1: Nessus
Be sure to scroll down and view the whole post as there is both audio and video coverage of today's episode!
I'm going to show you some easy/cheap things you can do implement monitoring and alerting in your home or corporate network.
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7MS #238: Network Monitoring 101 - Part 2: NMAP, Papertrailapp and OpenCanary
Be sure to scroll down and view the whole post as there is both audio and video coverage of today's episode!
We're going to create an nmap script to help us get visibility into what's on (and changing in) our network.
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7MS #236: From "Derp!" to Domain Admin with MOVEit Central
Be sure to scroll down and view the whole post as there is both audio and video coverage of today's episode!
A few weeks ago I was asked to do a pentest with some odd restrictions. The target was a popular commercial Webapp called MOVEIt Central, and I would only have RDP access to a terminal server with access to the app.
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7MS #235: Pwning Billy Madison
Be sure to scroll down and view the whole post as there is both audio and video coverage of today's episode!
Today I'm going to walk you through pwning the Billy Madison VM hosted at VulnHub. To be blunt, there are way better write-ups and videos walking through the path to pwnage, so I wanted to take a slightly different angle this time and do a "behind the scenes" look at how the VM is put together.
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7MS #234: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 5
Be sure to scroll down and view the whole post as there is both audio and video coverage of today's episode!
Today is part FIVE (insert menacing voice: "the final chapter!!!) of our series on attacking the OWASP Juice Shop which is "an intentionally insecure webapp for security trainings written entirely in Javascript which encompasses the entire OWASP Top Ten and other severe security flaws."
Important note
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7MS #233: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 4
Be sure to scroll down and view the whole post as there is both audio and video coverage of today's episode!
Today is part FOUR of our continuing series on attacking the OWASP Juice Shop which is "an intentionally insecure webapp for security trainings written entirely in Javascript which encompasses the entire OWASP Top Ten and other severe security flaws."
Important note
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7MS #232: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 3
Be sure to scroll down and view the whole post as there is both audio and video coverage of today's episode!
Today is part three of our continuing series on attacking the OWASP Juice Shop which is "an intentionally insecure webapp for security trainings written entirely in Javascript which encompasses the entire OWASP Top Ten and other severe security flaws."
Important updates
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7MS #231: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 2
Be sure to scroll down and view the whole post as there is both audio and video coverage of today's episode!
Today we're continuing our series on hacking apart the OWASP Juice Shop which is "an intentionally insecure webapp for security trainings written entirely in Javascript which encompasses the entire OWASP Top Ten and other severe security flaws."
Important updates
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7MS #230: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 1
Be sure to scroll down and view the whole post as there is both audio and video coverage of today's episode!
Today we're kicking of a multipart series all about hacking the OWASP Juice Shop which is "an intentionally insecure webapp for security trainings written entirely in Javascript which encompasses the entire OWASP Top Ten and other severe security flaws."
Get ready to hack!
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7MS #229: Intro to Docker for Pentesters
Be sure to scroll down and view the whole post as there is both audio and video coverage of today's episode!
I know I'm old and unhip, but I just got turned on to Docker, and today I wanted to share two cool ways to use it to beef up your pentest skills:
Install and run Rainmap
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7MS #228: Fun with Bettercap
Be sure to scroll down and view the whole post as there is both audio and video coverage of today's episode!
First get your Kali updated!
Make sure you update/fix your Kali sources.list and run a full apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade
If necessary, fix BSOD (Black Screen of Death)
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Billy Madison 1.0
I got some really fun and positive feedback after releasing my Tommy Boy vulnerable VM on VulnHub in July. I thought I would be done making vulnerable VMs for a long time. But shortly after I caught myself daydreaming about my favorite childhood/teenage movies, and I couldn't shake the idea of making one with a Billy Madison theme.
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7MS #227: Lets Encrypt - Installing SSL Certs for Nessus and Ubiquiti Unifi
Be sure to scroll down and view the whole post as there is both audio and video coverage of today's episode!
Ubiquiti UniFi Controller
Back in episode #220 I went through how to get a cloud-hosted UniFi controller setup so you could do cool things like implement a voucher system for your guests.
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7MS #226: DIY $500 Pentesting Lab - Part 3
Be sure to scroll down and view the whole post as there is both audio and video coverage of today's episode!
Today's episode is part 3 of a series all about setting up a virtual pentesting lab for about 500 bucks. Part 1 talked about getting the necessary hardware purchased and assembled.
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7MS #225: DIY $500 Pentesting Lab - Part 2
Be sure to scroll down and view the whole post as there is both audio and video coverage of today's episode!
Today's episode is part 2 of a series all about setting up a virtual pentesting lab for about 500 bucks. Part 1 talked about getting the necessary hardware purchased and assembled.
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7MS #224: DIY $500 Pentesting Lab - Part 1
Today's episode is part 1 of a series all about setting up a virtual pentesting lab for about 500 bucks.
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7MS #223: Vulnhub Walkthrough - Tommy Boy
The following is a semi-spoilerish walkthrough of the Tommy Boy VM from Vulnhub by 7MinSec.
Semi-spoilery write-up:
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Today's episode talks about why I'm moving from three episode releases down to one.
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I do a periodic email blast of my favorite infosec news stories, tools, training opportunities and more.
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Projects and Resources
Here are some projects 7MS is working on for the security community:
BPATTY is short for:
Brian's Pentesting and Technical Tips for You, and is basically the knowledge dump of everything I learn about security as I learn it!
You can knab it from GitHub, but for a more easy and digestible way to view it, browse BPATTY in wiki format at http://bpatty.rocks!
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7MS #221: News and Links Roundup
What follows are some of my favorite training opportunities, news bits, tools/scripts and humorous stories to send you into the weekend with!
The recording from the BHIS Webinar on Web App Security Training is now up on YouTube.
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7MS #220: Installing Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X and AP - Part 3
Today is part 2 on our series about setting up a Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X and access point. The audio portion of this episode covers the following topics:
- Creating true VLAN isolation
I made a boo-boo last week in that my setup did not create true VLAN isolation.
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7MS #219: News and Links Roundup
What follows are some of my favorite training opportunities, news bits, tools/scripts and humorous stories to send you into the weekend with!
BHIS did a Webinar earlier today for developers.
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Slack: 7minsec.slack.com (open group)
Twitter: @7MinSec
Email: Send a note to 7ms at the domain called 7ms.us.
Secure email: It's braimee at the domain called protonmail.com.
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7MS #218: OFF-TOPIC - My Top 5 Favorite and Least Favorite Things About The Division
IMPORTANT: This is not related to today's episode but don't forget that my vulnerable VM, Tommy Boy, has been published on Vulnhub.com - please go there now or read my blog post on the VM to get started!
In today's off-topic episode I talk about my 5 favorite (and least favorite) things about Tom Clancy's The Division for Xbox One. Here we goooooooo....
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7MS #217: Installing Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X and AP - Part 2
Be sure to scroll down and view the whole post as there is both audio and video coverage of today's episode!
Today is part 2 on our series about setting up a Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X and access point. The audio portion of this episode covers the following topics:
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Tommy Boy 1.0: A Vulnerable Virtual Machine
I've long been a huge fan of the movie Tommy Boy and also a fan of trying to hack the vulnerable VMs hosted at VulnHub. Last month I decided to combine those two loves by creating a vulnerable virtual machine with a Tommy Boy theme! The result? Tommy Boy 1.0.
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7MS #216: News and Links Roundup
What follows are some of my favorite training opportunities, news bits, tools/scripts and humorous stories to send you into the weekend with!
A new version of ADHD is out!
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7MS #215: Installing Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X and AP - Part 1
In today's episode I kick off a multi-part series on ditching my previously beloved Almond router in lieu of a Ubiquiti Edge Router X and access point.
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7MS #214: News and Links Roundup
What follows are some of my favorite training opportunities, news bits, tools/scripts and humorous stories to send you into the weekend with!
The Webinar for the BHIS webinar on Active Defense Harbinger Distribution is coming up Tue, July 19 at 1 p.m.
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7MS #213: Building a Vulnerable VM (The Prequel)
In this episode, I share a short list of virtual landmines you'll want to avoid when building your vulnerable VM for vulnhub.com:
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7MS #212: News and Links Roundup
What follows are some of my favorite training opportunities, news bits, tools/scripts and humorous stories to send you into the weekend with!
Check out this How to Hack and Defend Your Website course.
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7MS #211: OFF-TOPIC - IT Horror Stories - Part 2
In today's episode I share some big news (SPOILER ALERT: I'm building a vulnhub.com vulnerable VM!) and also tell you about a client that was happy to pay me to watch progress bars for hours, but not happy to give me a 15 minute break for dinner.
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7MS #210: Vulnhub Walkthrough - Mr. Robot
The following is a semi-spoilerish walkthrough of the Mr. Robot VM from Vulnhub by Jason (couldn't find a link for him! Hrmm....mysterious!).
Flag 1:
An NMAP scan will reveal port 80/443 open. Do the "usual suspects" scan of the Web environment - like nikto, dirb, looking at /robots.txt etc.
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7MS #209: News and Links Roundup
What follows are some of my favorite training opportunities, news bits, tools/scripts and humorous stories to send you into the weekend with!
The BHIS recording for the "Fade from WhiteHat to Black" Webcast is up.
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7MS #208: OFF-TOPIC - The Jackwagon Who Stole My Drums!
This off-topic episode is about a "friend" (I'm using air quotes) of mine who stole a set of drums from me. Then he sold them for dirt cheap, promised to pay me back (but didn't) and force me to take him to court. "Fun stuff!" Brian said sarcastically!
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7MS #207: Vulnhub Walkthrough - Sidney
The following is a semi-spoilerish walkthrough of the Sidney VM from Vulnhub by Knightmare2600.
Running NMAP on this rascal reveals port 80 to be open.
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You can subscribe to the 7MS blog/podcast a bunch of different ways!
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7MS #206: Vulnhub Walkthrough - Stapler
The following is a semi-spoilerish walkthrough of the Stapler VM from Vulnhub by g0tmi1k.
An NMAP scan reveals all sorts of goodies on this little rascal, including TCP 666 (DOOM?!), FTP, Samba shares a few Web ports - and more!
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7MS #205: News and Links Roundup
What follows are some of my favorite training opportunities, news bits, tools/scripts and humorous stories to send you into the weekend with!
BHIS has a Webcast coming up June 23rd from 2p-3p EST described as:
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7MS #204: OFF-TOPIC - IT Horror Stories!
Today's off-topic show is one of my favorite IT horror stories, featuring a red-hot angry lawyer who was having password issues.
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7MS #203: Vulnhub Walkthrough - FristiLeaks
Update 6/15: Sorry, I know I said on today's episode I was going to do a video version of this VM, but I'm jumping ship on that idea. The reason is I'm already excited about making a podcast + video version of a different VM. And, selfishly, that also allows me to be able to release some fresh material next week when I'm on vacation.
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7MS #202: News and Links Roundup
What follows are some of my favorite training opportunities, news bits, tools/scripts and humorous stories to send you into the weekend with!
Tim Tomes PWAPT (Practical Web Application Penetration Testing) is coming to Boston on July 18-19.
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7MS #201: OFF-TOPIC - Audio Clip Extravaganza
In this first ever 7MS audio clip extravaganza, I offer the following two mini-journeys for your ears:
I get my young son red hot mad at me as I sing I See the Moon and even some Beyonce tunes to cheer him up.
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7MS #200: Vulnhub Walkthrough - Milnet
The following is a semi-spoilerish walkthrough of the Milnet VM from Vulnhub by @teh_warriar.
I'm intentionally not posting a full walkthrough for a few reasons:
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7MS #199: News and Links Roundup
What follows are some of my favorite training opportunities, news bits, tools/scripts and humorous stories to send you into the weekend with!
Tim Tomes PWAPT (Practical Web Application Penetration Testing) is coming to Boston on July 18-19.
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7MS #198: Two Pretty Cool Pentest Stories
Got two amusing pentest stories for you today in today's podcast episode:
One about finding a XXE vuln in a popular commercial product.
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7MS #197: Vulnhub Walkthrough - SickOS 1.2
The following is a semi-spoilerish walkthrough of the SickOS 1.2 VM from Vulnhub by @D4rk36.
I'm intentionally not posting a full walkthrough for a few reasons:
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7MS #196: News and Links Roundup
What follows are some of my favorite training opportunities, news bits, tools/scripts and humorous stories to send you into the weekend with!
The BHIS Webinar this week on external attacks was good stuff. The YouTube video and slides are up.
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7MS #195: Why AppSpider is Grinding My Gears
This episode is why AppSpider is grinding my gears right now.
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7MS #194: Vulnhub Walkthrough - Simple
The following is a semi-spoilerish walkthrough of the Simple VM from Vulnhub by @RobertWinkel.
I'm intentionally not posting a full walkthrough with all the juicy details for a few reasons:
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7 Minute Security (the theme song)
Here's the jingle I wrote for the podcast intro.
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7MS #193: News and Links Roundup
What follows are some of my favorite training opportunities, news bits, tools/scripts and humorous stories to send you into the weekend with!
The recording of the BHIS Webinar about hardware hacking is now up - here's the YouTube video and slide deck.
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7MS #192: Podcast Like Nobody's Listening and Blog Like Nobody's Reading
In today's off-topic episode I talk about:
Why you should blog/podcast/scream/shout about topics you are passionate about because you will find an audience.
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7MS #191: Vulnhub Walkthrough - Kevgir
The following is a semi-spoilerish walkthrough of the Kevgir VM from Vulnhub by canyoupwn.me.
I'm intentionally not posting a full walkthrough with all the juicy details for a few reasons:
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7MS #190: Infosec News and Links Roundup
If you're interested on whether it's time to invest in "smart things" for your home, you might want to listen to the latest Security Now episode first. About 1.5 hours in, Steve and Leo talk about the current state of smart/dumb things development, and warn that the tech might not be mature enough to operate securely at this time.
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7MS #189: OFFTOPIC - Reviews of The Family Fang and Tumbledown
Today's off-topic episode features two mini movie reviews:
Jason Sudeikis plays a writer who travels to a small town to interview a famous musician's widow.
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7MS #188: Vulnhub Walkthrough - DroopyCTF
The following is a semi-spoilerish walkthrough of the DroopyCTF VM from Vulnhub by Knightmare.
I'm intentionally not posting a full walkthrough with all the juicy details for a few reasons:
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7MS #187: Infosec News and Links Roundup
A few weeks ago BHIS did a Webcast on "0-day/stunt hacking" and the recording of the presentation is now up here.
On Thursday, May 12 at 2 p.m. EST BHIS will do a "We can hardware hack!
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7MS #186: OFFTOPIC - Reviews of Brooklyn and The Revenant
Today's off-topic episode contains two mini movie reviews:
A coming of age movie about a woman who moves from Ireland to Brooklyn to explore career opportunities and maybe even find love!
The Revenant
Leo DiCaprio gets mauled by a bear and left for dead. Boy oh boy is he ticked about it!
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7MS #185: Vulnhub Walkthrough - Lord of the Root
The following is a semi-spoilerish walkthrough of the Lord of the Root VM from Vulnhub by KookSec.
I'm intentionally not posting a full walkthrough with all the juicy details for a few reasons:
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7MS #184: Infosec News and Links Roundup
Verizon's Data Breach Investigations Report is out and Tenable sums up the high points if you want a Cliff's Notes version:
"Time to compromise is minutes (81.9%), while time to exfiltrate data is between days (67.8%) and minutes (21.2%)."
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7MS #183: OFFTOPIC-The Invitation
A movie review of The Invitation. Rotten Tomatoes reviewers loved it! I thought it was decent, but have some gripes.
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7MS #182: Vulnhub Walkthrough - SickOs
The following is a semi-spoilerish walkthrough of the SickOs VM from Vulnhub by D4rk.
It has (as best I can tell) a sequential pwnage path, meaning that I think you could read this write-up in order and not prematurely ruin any surprises.
I'm intentionally not posting a full walkthrough with all the juicy details for a few reasons:
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7MS #181: Infosec News and Links Roundup
The BHIS "Gorilla Webcast!! VPN 0-day and stunt hacking" slides should be up soon. Will post 'em in next week's roundup.
Tim Tomes is teaching a special edition of his Practical Web Application Pentesting course in Charleston and Spartanburg, SC. Check out his page for specific dates, but this offering is of particular interest because there's an extra day of dev-focused content.
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7MS #180: Vulnhub Walkthrough - Skydog CTF
The following is a semi-spoilerish walkthrough of the Skydog CTF VM from Vulnhub by James Bower. It contains 5 flags, all of which have to be captured sequentially (I'm pretty sure) so I don't think you can accidentally ruin anything for yourself by reading this sequentially.
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7MS #179: Bring New Life to an Old Mac with OSX Server
In this episode I talk about how I took my aging Mac Mini and gave it some reasons to live!
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7MS #178: Infosec News and Links Roundup
The BHIS 5 Months/Critical Controls Webcast recording slides are now available.
Tim Tomes is teaching a special edition of his Practical Web Application Pentesting course in Charleston and Spartanburg, SC. Check out his page for specific dates, but this offering is of particular interest because there's an extra day of dev-focused content.
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7MS #177: A Not Totally Sucky Way to Backup and Share Photos
In this episode I talk about a not completely sucky way to backup and share photos seamlessly (almost) from multiple phones.
Long story short: my wife and I used to use Dropbox's Carousel app and we loved it. Then, at the end of March, it was retired (insert sad face).
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7MS #176: DIY SSH Honeypot with Cowrie
Recently I covered the Kippo SSH honeypot (part 1 | part 2) and a few folks brought to my attention that this project was a little long in the tooth, and had been superseded by Cowrie.
This past weekend I got Cowrie installed on my Digital Ocean droplet.
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7MS #174: DIY SSH Honeypot with Kippo - Part 2
In this episode I took my Kippo installation to the next step by incorporating mysql.
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7MS #175: Infosec News and Links Roundup
On that note, it appears the FBI might indeed have hands-on knowledge of the hack, as they are helping unlock an iPhone 6 and iPod for an Arkansas murder trial.
A water treatment plant was popped and that sorta makes me poop myself. The plant name/location are anonymous - the article refers to the plant as Kemuri Water Company, or KWC.
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7MS #173: DIY SSH Honeypot with Kippo
Interested in having some fun with Kippo (an SSH honeypot) on your Digital Ocean server?
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7MS #172: Infosec News and Links Roundup
BHIS did a Webinar called "Internal Pivot Pentest Go Kit" this past Tuesday. They've posted the slides and video for your enjoyment.
After last week's question about whether a itpro.tv subscription was worth it.
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7MS #171: OFF-TOPIC - Easter Music
This is probably the most off-topic of all off-topic episodes - in that the topic isn't really a topic at all. Instead, I offer up two of my favorite worship songs to get us in an Easter mindset for the weekend. Have a listen.
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7MS #170: Pentesting in a Vacuum - Part 3
I had some fun this weekend doing a subset of pentesting in the "vacuum" I've told you about. As a quick background for those of you just joining the series, I help manage (from a pentesting POV) 20 Kali boxes that are all in their own network silos.
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7MS #169: Infosec News and Links Roundup
Tim Tomes is teaching PWAPT in Charleston, April 28-29. Fly to it if you have to - it's a fantastic course!
BHIS has a Webinar called "Internal Pivot Pentest Go Kit" they'll be doing on Tuesday, Mar 22 at 11:00 a.m. CST.
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7MS #167: My Misadventures with SOAP Web Services
TLDR: Before I'd do another SOAP Web services test, I'd ask (demand) the following from the dev team:
WSDLs for all services in scope
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7MS #168: Upgrading and Securing Your Digital Ocean Ghost Blog
This weekend, while I was comforting my barfing son, I did some securing and tune-up work on this blog, which is a Ubuntu Digital Ocean droplet running on the Ghost blogging platform. Here's the spit and polish that was applied:
Secure the site with SSH keys
I used this article from Digital Ocean to get the keys applied.
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7MS #165: DIY Podcast
Well, my first choice for topic today (DIY retro gaming console) fell through (ARGH!) so today I chat about another topic people ask about: what tools/services go into making a podcast.
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7MS #166: Infosec News and Links Roundup
BHIS released the recording of their Webcast on New and Improved Ransomware from last week. Here are my notes from the Webinar.
A great Hacking Webapps course is only $10 when you use the code TWITTER.
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7MS #164: Pentesting in a Vacuum - Part 2
This is a continuation of episode #158, in which I described my challenges in creating a 20-server Kali environment with no Internet access.
In this episode I talk about how I've figured out (I think) how to keep these systems patched without blindly opening http/https access to the Internet, and how I could use your help in figuring out how to "mass SSH" to them and command them to run apt-get update/upgrade!
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7MS #162: OFF-TOPIC - Deadpool
This episode is a mini review of DEADPOOL! I had a huge reservation about Deadpool before seeing it, but the film squashed it...and has restored my faith in the superhero franchises!
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7MS #163: Infosec News and Links Roundup
BHIS had a Webinar on New and Imroved Ransomware on 3/1. I haven't seen the link for the slides/recording, but here are a few key points:
Be careful of ransomware/hack FUD. Some of the latest vehicle hacks let attackers turn on heat or AC. News reports this as "Hackers pwn all cars and will drive you into a bridge abutment - OMG OMG! P.S.
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7MS #161: DIY Wifi Network Graphing & Dojo Scavenger Vulnerable Webapp
Back in episode 157 I mentioned talked about a great article that walks you through using Kali to create a map of the wifi networks around you.
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7MS #159: OFF-TOPIC - What Size Company is Right for Me? (and a review of the Steve Jobs movie)
People have been writing in asking if they should work in a huge company or a small consulting/IT shop.
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7MS #160: Infosec News and Links Roundup
BHIS has a Webinar on New and Improved Ransomware coming up Tuesday March 1st at 2:00PM ET.
Graceful Security is a great site for introductions to all sorts of great security and pentest topics like Metasploit, Burp, SQLi.
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7MS #158: Pentesting in a Vacuum
How do you keep 20 Kali boxes setup with Metasploit Pro and updated without any access to the Internet? Carefully, I guess :-).
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7MS #157: Infosec News and Links Roundup
See the replay of the Black Hills Infosec How to Stop Compliance Zombies presentation, and check out the accompanying files as well.
Tim Tomes is teaching PWAPT - Practical Webapp Pentesting in SC and Boston soon. Keep an eye on his training page or Twitter account.
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7MS #156: OFF-TOPIC - 3 Ways to be a More Connected Parent
I never thought working from home would make it harder to transition to "home time" when the clock strikes 5 p.m.
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7MS #155: Million Dollar Pentest Idea, Notepad Tricks and LL Bean Jackets for Dogs
Things discussed today:
We could make $1M if we made a tool that could correlate data from all the popular pentesting tools.
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7MS #154: Friday Infosec News and Links Roundup
Patch all your Microsoft stuff - Krebs does a great job (as always) of giving you the skinny on what the patches fix, as does Qualys.
It might be too late, but Google was offering [2 extra gigs of Google Drive storage](http://gizmodo.com/you-can-get-2gb-of-free-google-drive-storage-today-1758004392?utm_medium=sharefromsite&
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Why support 7MS?
While we absolutely love doing the 7MS blog, YouTube videos and documentation project, this all comes with financial and personal cost - both in time and dollars.
Specifically, we host the 7MS podcast with Libsyn, a great and affordable podcasting company with fantastic support! And the Web site runs on a hosted Ghost platform.
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7MS #153: Ex Machina (and special musical guest)
Today's episode is a movie review of Ex Machina (how the FRICK do you pronounce that?) and closes out with special musical guest, Sweet Surrender!
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7MS #152: Review of the Almond 2015 Wireless Router
This is a mini-review of the Almond 2015 router by Securifi. This is NOT a paid advertisement or endorsement.
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7MS #151: Friday Infosec News and Links Roundup
Here are some of my favorite stories and links for this week!
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7MS #150: OFFTOPIC-Bone Tomahawk / Goodnight Mommy / Comedy Loves Misery
In today's off-topic episode I review the following movies:
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7MS #149: Securing Your Life - Part 3
This episode continues the series on securing your life - making sure all the security stuff related to your life is in order. Today we're particularly focusing on preparing to travel. What if (God forbid) the plane goes down?
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7MS #148: OFF-TOPIC - Apple Watch Review
Yep, there are tons of people/blogs/magazines/children/pets who have provided reviews of the Apple Watch.
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7MS #147: DIY Hosted Mutillidae
In this episode I talk about how to build a cheap hosted Mutillidae server to safely hack away on while keeping other Internet prowlers out.
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7MS #146: Friday Infosec News and Links Roundup
Here are some of my favorite stories and links for this week!
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7MS #145: OFF-TOPIC - Sicario and The Walk
In today's off-topic episode I review two movies: Sicario and The Walk.
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7MS #144: Shoulder-Surfing with Seasoned Pentesters
I recently had the opportunity to shoulder-surf with some seasoned Webapp pentesters, and wanted to share what I learned about their tools, techniques and methodologies.
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7MS #142: OFF-TOPIC - Media Servers and Making a Murderer
This off-topic episode covers:
Media servers - I'm a newb in this area and could use your help in setting up a config that actually works!
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7MS #143: Friday Infosec News and Links Roundup
Here are some of my fav' stories and links for this week!
Burn it all...The New Security Fundamentals (Wednesday, January 20 @ 1 p.m.
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7MS #141: Happy (Belated) New Year!
Happy (belated) new year! This episode is more of a "What am I listening to, a PBS telethon?!" kind of thing, and I'm sorry for that.
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7MS #140: OFF-TOPIC - Video Games I'm Currently Playing
This episode talks about some cool video games I've been playing lately:
Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain (Xbox 360)
Rise of the Tomb Raider (Xbox 360)
Luminocity (iPhone)
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7MS #139: Securing Your Life - Part 2
Back in episode #93 I talked about securing your life - in other words, asking yourself "What would happen if I was dead right now? Do I have adequate insurance? Are my finances in order?
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7MS #138: OFF-TOPIC - The Hateful Eight
Looks like I'm one of the few people in the world who did NOT love this movie. I found it painful slow and claustrophobic.
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7MS #137: OFF-TOPIC - Welcome to Leith
This off-topic episode talks about one of the most gripping and disturbing documentaries I've ever seen.
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7MS #135: I Got a New Job - Part 4
This is a four-part series about my transition to a new job!
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7MS #134: I Got a New Job - Part 3
This is a four-part series about my transition to a new job!
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7MS #133: I Got a New Job - Part 2
This is a four-part series about my transition to a new job!
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7MS #136: Python for Newbs
One skill that's been kind of a hinderance in my IT/security career is I have exactly zero experience in programming/coding. Zero. Zip. Nil. Nada.
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7MS #132: I Got a New Job - Part 1
This is a four-part series about my transition to a new job!
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7MS #131: How to Attempt a Two Week Pentest in Two Days
The title says it all. I had two days to pentest a network that probably would've taken two or more people two weeks or more. I laughed. I cried.
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7MS #130: Sqlmap and Sqlninja FTW
This episode talks about some fun I had using sqlmap, and how using it in conjunction with Sqlninja makes me happy to be alive.
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7MS #129: Embarrassing Stories
In this episode I talk about face-planting in my office at the first job I had out of college.
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7MS #128: Transparency is King
In this episode, I talk about a restaurant infosec assessment I did, and how the recommendations coming out of that assessment didn't fit the standard "mold." I also talk about how being transparent and helpful - and NOT billing clients for every tiny little thing - is king.
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7MS #127: Intro to HIPAA Assessments
This episode covers a few HIPAA tidbits I picked up while preparing for - and executing - a HIPAA security assessment.
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7MS #126: Get Your Name Out There
This episode isn't about infosec exactly, but it talks about how using public resources like LinkedIn, Twitter and blogs to boost your "brand" (though I hate that word) and help you get more connected to the infosec community, job leads and more!
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7MS #125: Securing Your Life-Part 2
Way back in episode #93, I talked about things you can do to secure your life (mortgage review, adequate insurance, estate planning, investments, etc.).
This episode continues that train of thought and covers: getting the right amount of life insurance, getting the right home/auto coverage, as well as estate planning.
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7MS #123: Doing a Redo Assessment
This episode talks about my experience in doing a "redo" security assessment, during which I struggled with the following questions: what's the best way to efficiently correct the erroneous information and make the customer happy without asking ALL the original questions over again?
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7MS #124: Sprinkles
This episode is 90% a rant about how annoying carry-on luggage and air travel can be, and a 10% sprinkling of security sauce mixed in.
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7MS #122: OFFTOPIC-An Apology to Elephants
This episode is about a documentary called An Apology to Elephants.
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7MS #120: THE PURGE!
Announcing the 7MS PURGE! I've got a back log of episodes banked and I want to get caught up for the new year. So I'm going to release one (or maybe more) episodes per day between now and 2016. Plus (spoiler alerts!) in 2016 we're moving to a Monday/Wednesday/Friday release schedule.
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Setting up a basic iptables config on a Digital Ocean Ubuntu droplet
I was messing around with the iptables config on my Digital Ocean droplet recently, and got kicked out of my SSH session.
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7MS #121: Migrating from Tumblr to Ghost-Part 2
Part 2 concludes my journey in moving 7ms.us from Tumblr to a Digital Ocean droplet running Ghost. Here are the key resources mentioned during the podcast:
How to run multiple Ghost blogs on one DI VPS.
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7MS #119: Migrating from Tumblr to Ghost-Part 1
In this episode I talk about my adventures in moving my brianjohnson.tv Tumblr content over to a Digital Ocean hosted droplet running Ghost.
I think you'll want to check this episode out, because in part 2 I talk about the challenges I faced in hosting multiple Ghost instances on one DI droplet.
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7 Minute Security is a weekly audio podcast (once in a while with video!) released on Wednesdays and covering topics such as:
Penetration testing
Blue teaming
Building a career in security
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Epic first post!
Epic first post!
Welcome to 7 Minute Security. We're working behind the scenes to do a full launch on January 1, 2014!
Questions in the meantime?
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Happy new year!
Happy new year! I'm very excited to welcome 2014 by kicking off 7MS in full force. I've got lots of good content in the cooker and am putting the final touches on a podcast as well! Please reach out on Twitter and subscribe to our RSS feed.
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Raspberry Pi has arrived!
Stay tuned. I really want to get a base Pi setup to have some of the Active Defense tools setup to see if I can't learn a bit more about the users sniffing around my network.
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Nmap Cheat Sheet 1.0
Nmap Cheat Sheet 1.0Very handy NMAP cheat sheet, courtesy of SANS.
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This looks interesting.
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Spam that I actually want to open
Here's a spam I want to open.
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Spam I REALLY want to click on
Dang here's another spam I REALLY want to click on.
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Java whitelisting
Not sure about you, but I often get a lot of questions about handling Java + updates in the corp environment. I just saw a very cool podcast from PaulDotCom (http://pauldotcom.com/2013/11/episode-350-whitelisting-java.html) detailing two methods for controlling it a bit more with Java whitelisting.
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Shmoocon 2013
Shmoocon 2013
This looks to be a very cool YouTube playlist of Schmoocon videos and content (thank you PaulDotCom wiki).
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Lock Down Your Security Settings In iOS 7 | Cult of Mac
Lock Down Your Security Settings In iOS 7 | Cult of Mac
Very cool article that summaries the security steps necessary to take in order to secure your iOS device.
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Newegg trial: Crypto legend takes the stand, goes for knockout patent punch
Newegg trial: Crypto legend takes the stand, goes for knockout patent punch
I know this is slightly dated, but I love this article about a trial involving Newegg in which a crypto guru delivers a “punchline” with the geek-equivalent impact of Nicholson shouting, “You can't handle the truth!”
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Review: Learn How to Hack and Defend Your Web Site (online course)
The Skinny: I couldn't resist! The course title had me at hello. Who could turn down a class called “How to Hack and Defend Your Web Site in Just Three Hours” (offered by Concise Courses) - especially when said class is extremely affordable? Not this guy, that's for sure.
Some background: I do a fair amount of external vulnerability scanning for my job.
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7MS #1: Epic Introduction! (audio)
In this episode, I talk about the inspiration behind the 7MS podcast and my vision for it going forward. (Admittedly, my ulterior motive is to use this intro episode to figure out how in the heck to get this podcast submitted and visible on iTunes :-).
Download Episode 1: Epic Introduction to 7MS (MP3)
I'll have a “Subscribe via iTunes” link up soon.
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7MS #2: The Importance of Logging and Alerting! (audio)
In this episode I talk about how a client of ours learned a hard lesson: that the lack of logging/alerting makes for a pretty miserable investigation after they were breached.
Download: Episode 2: The Importance of Logging and Alerting! (audio)
Show notes:
Public-facing terminal servers without 2FA basically have a sign on their back that say “Kick me.
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7MS #3: Patch Strategies: Part 1 (audio)
In this episode I talk about some trends (and problems) were seeing on the patching front specifically OS and third-party apps.
Download: Episode 3: Patch Strategies: Part 1 (audio)
Show notes:
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Review: Certified Ethical Hacker training
The Skinny: I wanted to increase my “good guy hacking” skills and had heard good things about the Certified Ethical Hacker training from the infosec community so I decided to give it a whirl. I took the training through American National University for ~$1,500. I attended class virtually for a Monday-Saturday in December (it was 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, and then roughly 8 a.m.
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7MS #4: Patch Strategies: Part Deux (audio)
In this episode I continue talking about some dos and donts of patch strategies this time talking about enterprise level gear.
Download: Episode 4: Patch Strategies: Part Deux (audio)
Show notes:
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7MS #5: Fun Firewall Rules - part 1 (audio)
In this episode I talk about some basic firewall rules that many organizations dont have in place.
Download: Episode 5: Fun Firewall Rules part 1 (audio)
Show notes:
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7MS #6: Fun Firewall Rules - part 2 (audio)
In this episode I continue talking about some basic firewall rules that many organizations dont have in place.
Download: Episode 6: Fun Firewall Rules part 2 (audio)
Show notes:
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7MS #7: External Vulnerabilities that Byte (audio)
Episode lucky #7!!!
In this episode I talk about external network vulnerabilities that we see in many of our assessments some of which are pretty easy to clear up.
Download: Episode 7: External Vulnerabilities that Byte (audio)
Show notes:
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7MS #8: CISSP - Is That the Cert for Me? (audio)
Download: [Episode 8: CISSP Is That the Cert for Me?
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7MS #9: Information Security for the Whole Family (audio)
In this episode I talk about how being an infosec guy has ruined my familys life (well, not really)
Download: Episode 9: Information Security for the Whole Family (audio)
Show notes:
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7MS #10: Information Security for the Whole Family - part 2 (audio)
In this episode I talk more about some infosec-y things Im doing on the home front to nurture a security culture (if you will) with my wife and kids.
Download: Episode 10: Information Security for the Whole Family part 2 (audio)
Show notes:
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7MS #11: Overtraining your iPhone Touch ID (video)
In this episode I totally throw my subscribers for a loop and do a VIDEO podcast about overtraining your Touch ID on your iPhone.
Download: 7MS #11: Overtraining your iPhone Touch ID (video)
Show notes:
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7MS #12: Why My Domains Have Gan to Gandi (audio)
In this episode I talk about an account takeover article that freaked me out, and why it changed a few things about how I handle my important online accounts.
Download: 7MS #12: Why My Domains Have Gan to Gandi (audio)
Show notes:
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7MS #13: How to Get Pwned by HP (audio)
In this episode I talk about how I had to sent my HP laptop in for repair and, to my surprise, it (allegedly) came back with a bonus: malware!
Download: 7MS #13: How to Get Pwned by HP (audio)
Show notes:
My takeaways/recommendations from this experience:
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7MS #14: H8 4 Win 8 (audio)
In this episode I talk about two (sort of) security related tips that I've learned by using Windows 8 wrong.
Download: 7MS #14: H8 4 Win8 (audio)
Show notes:
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7MS #15: PwnPad Initial Impressions
In this episode I talk about my initial impressions of using the PwnPad for wireless pentesting.
Download: 7MS #15: PwnPad Initial Impressions
Show notes:
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7MS #16: PwnPad Initial Impressions - part 2! (audio)
In this episode I talk about my first-hand experience using the PwnPad for wireless pentesting.
Download: 7MS #16: PwnPad Initial Impressions - Part 2
Show notes:
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7MS #17: How to Pass the Certified Ethical Hacker Exam (audio)
In this episode I share my experience with EC-Council's Certified Ethical Hacker training and exam.
Download: 7MS #17: How to Pass the Certified Ethical Hacker Exam (audio)
Show notes:
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7MS #18: Wireless Security 101 (audio)
In this episode I talk about some wireless security basics that we're not seeing when out on assessments.
Download: 7MS #18: Wireless Security 101 (audio)
Show notes:
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7MS #19: Kioptrix! (audio)
In this episode I talk about a deliciously vulnerable series of VMs called Kioptrix, and how you can use them to sharpen your pentesting skills.
Download:7MS #19: Kioptrix! (audio)
Show notes:
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7MS #20: Moving from GoDaddy to DNSimple (audio)
In this episode I talk about why I'm pulling my domains from GoDaddy, and making DNSimple their new home.
Download:7MS #20: Moving from GoDaddy to DNSimple (audio)
Show notes:
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14 leading antivirus apps have basic "boo-boos"
According to this article, 14 leading antivirus apps have basic boo-boos that could easily render them useless.